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Freebie Feelers... inFAMOUS: Second Son

Freebie Feelers... inFAMOUS: Second Son

Freebie Feelers is a series where we download the free monthly console-specific or newly released free-to-play games to test their worth.This series will contain some useful information as well as plenty of personal opinion. While these articles may not be reviews, we hope that you will be able to use them to help decide whether that free download is worth it.

What is it?

inFAMOUS: Second Son is the oddly titled third entry in the inFAMOUS series, that is, assuming you don’t count Festival of Blood. The main premise behind the games is that you take control of a conduit (an individual with special powers) and go through different character arcs in order to shape your experience depending on the type of arc you choose. This includes a moral choice system that helps decide if you’re taking a more sinister route or a more helpful path story-wise. The type of decisions you make also influence what powers you can obtain, showing that your choices not only impact the narrative, but your character as a whole.

infamous second son

Overall, I’d classify inFAMOUS: Second Son as an action-adventure type of game. Like in previous installments, there is a great sense of freedom with the way you move around the environment. There’s also a wide variety of powers to choose from, all of which are various degrees of useful. That being said, which moral path you take will ultimately decide your favourite powers to use.

What did you think?

I’ve always been a big fan of the inFAMOUS series, so the release of a next-gen inFAMOUS game was a pretty nice addition to the line-up that the PS4 had going for it. As far as the game itself goes, it was good. Not really great, but not all that bad either. I think my biggest problem was with Delsin Rowe, who, at least in my eyes, didn’t really measure up to the protagonist/antagonist that Cole McGrath shaped up to be. Don’t get me wrong though, Delsin is quite a solid character in his own right with realistic motivations and struggles, as well as having a tighter focus on family. As it stands though, it feels like we don’t really reach the full potential of Rowe’s character. Mostly do to his motivations and struggles, despite the realism, being fairly predictable.


All in all though, he does a wonderful job at making you feel like a hero/villain.

Is it worth downloading?

I would say so. If you’re a fan of the previous games or are looking to try something fast-paced, then Second Son is the game for you. In fact, I’d almost recommend checking this title out first before heading into the other installments, just so you can get a feel for the series as a whole.

Freebie Feelers
Ethan Butterfield

Ethan Butterfield

Staff Writer

Tries his best to do his best. Greatest achievement: Annoying friends for 7 years with “Haze 2 will totally be announced this year guys!”

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