Five Things You Should Know Before Starting Shadow Warrior 3
Having blasted through Shadow Warrior 3 and experienced what the game has to offer, here are five things that you should know before starting the game. If you haven’t read our review on the game, then head here first.
1. Upgrade Abilities Which Give Health
This should be pretty obvious, but the three abilities under the health tab are most useful. The first upgrade pushes enemies away upon reaching critical health, allowing you to get a few seconds respite. Next is a flat max health increase to 125 HP. Can’t argue here, it’s a no brainer. Then the final option is health regeneration which came in clutch so many times while I played.
2. Explore Every Nook and Cranny
Make sure you explore as much as possible so that you can find all the upgrade orbs. You’ll definitely need these in order to maximise the potential of Lo Wang. Some are located in more obvious places than others so have a good mooch around.
3. Save Finisher Energy
While it’s undeniably satisfying to obliterate enemies with a finisher, obtaining the buff or weapon from that executed foe, I say it’s wiser to keep hold of this for the bigger, burlier enemies. Sometimes it’s more beneficial to use your energy on the big guys than the rank-and-file cannon fodder.
4. Unlock the Elemental Attacks
The katana can be upgraded to unleash frost, fire, or electrical damage to enemies. Time your electric attacks right and you can easily stun-lock a group of mobs, allowing you to dance around them in a ballet of carnage without fear of taking damage.
5. Complete Your Challenges
This goes hand in hand with exploring for upgrade orbs. Completing challenges is one of the easiest ways to obtain these elusive tokens. There are 19 in total (an odd number, I know), granting nine weapon orbs and ten character orbs. If you want the best out of Lo Wang, make sure you get them all.
There you have it, five tips to get you started in Shadow Warrior 3. If you have your own thoughts, let us know in the comments.