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Five Kickass Ideas For Star Wars Games

Five Kickass Ideas For Star Wars Games

Star Wars: Battlefront is almost here, and with it a return to a series that was near and dear to the hearts of so many gamers and Star Wars fans alike. With the beta now behind us, leaving us with the sweet, sweet taste of blaster fueled murder in our mouths, in true gamer style, we want more Star Wars. With that in mind, here’s five ideas for games that could take place in the iconic Star Wars universe.

Action Adventure in the Style of Uncharted

Okay, so this one is a bit of a cop out as we already know Visceral are hard at work on an Uncharted-style canon Star Wars game, but that doesn’t stop me giving my two cents on what it can be. Star Wars 1313 looked to promise so much, but when it was brutally taken away from our grasp, it felt like another cruel encounter with Jabba, back to the dark ages where the ‘men in suits’ decide what’s what. With Uncharted flag-bearer Amy Henning and Assassin’s Creed aficionado Jade Raymond at the helm it sounds like a top-notch third-person game that might well feature strong elements of storytelling and freedom of exploration, though. A Jedi origin story is an easy path to take, mastering the force, lightsabers and solving ancient puzzles, but i’d like to see this stick to what 1313 promised to be; a bounty hunter’s story. Imagine a new or established bounty hunter breaking out of prison and going on the run, sprinkle in some dramatic set pieces, breathtaking vistas and you can take my money now.


Aerial Combat in the Style of Tom Clancy's HAWX


It was hard to take in the news that there would be no literal star wars in Star Wars: Battlefront, and while there is an aerial combat mode within the planet’s atmosphere, it’s the drama and scale of galactic battles that we all really desire. Take the story and gameplay of Ubisoft’s MIA aerial combat series Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. and inject that LucasArts style, sound and of course iconic craft making a current-gen Rogue Squadron. What would make this stand out from the usual Tom Clancy malarky would be that you can choose either to side with the Empire or with the Rebellion, after all, who doesn’t want the chance to fly both a TIE fighter and an X-Wing? Story would be suited according to which side was winning the battles, and with the ability to go into the atmosphere of planets, you can shut down those pesky Endor shield generators and return to the black abyss of space. 

Grand Stategy in the Style of Total War

While grand strategy is something I’ve never really given my full attention, it’s something I have always wanted to, and a Star Wars themed strategy game would definitely be the entrance in. However, unlike games of this ilk, you wouldn’t select which side you are commanding; rather, you select the race you want to command and your actions determine which side is strengthened or weakened. As you take over cities, destroying armies and building on the corpses of those that stand in your way, both the Empire and Rebels are affected. Did you just take over a huge Empire outpost? Did you just wipe out a Jedi temple? Whatever happens the fate of the universe is in your hands, and as you have more influence over either side, you can be offered the chance to join in a coalition. What’s more, with Empires at War being taken offline, this is a great time to bring back this genre... Paradox, are you listening?


You get the idea...

Story-Driven RPG in the Style of Mass Effect


With a Star Wars RPG you could do that weird ‘full circle’ thing that you often see. The Mass Effect series has taken a lot of inspiration from Star Wars, and with a similar style game, Star Wars could take galaxies of inspiration from Bioware’s iconic series. Build your Jedi from any number of races, explore countless galaxies, solar systems and planets, and assemble a troop of trustworthy scruffy nerf herders to follow you into battle. Hell, it wouldn’t even be too difficult to weave in some cameos and missions from iconic characters in the universe, and you could even use the renegade or paragon dialogue options to sculpt into a rebellious Sith a la Anakin, or a hero Jedi like Luke.


This, but Star Wars

Star Wars City Builder in the Style of Tapped Out/Fallout Shelter

Unfortunately, we can’t spend all of our time with our feet up and controller in hand, luckily, these days we have magically powerful smartphones which let us take our gaming adventures with us when we take those frightening steps outside. Now, I’m not looking for a faux AAA title that’ll drain battery faster than the Millenium Falcon can complete the Kessel Run, but something a little easy that I can jump in and out of at a moment's notice. Let me build a third Death Star in the style of Fallout Shelter, or perhaps a Rebel Base on some outlying distant planets. I can sign in when I wake up, build some crucial rooms (obviously a trash compactor), hop out and by the time I sign back in, it’s built and I’ve got a bigger Death Star with more money to splurge. EA, I’m looking at you and your oddly ironic pride in this department.

star wars phon

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Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!

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