Fictional Companies You May Not Want to Work For
It's impossible to escape work, even in videogames. Even unexpected hero Roger Wilco from the Space Quest game series way back in the 1980's had a job working as a janitor on the research spaceship Arcada. Fortunately, that wasn't the game, but imagine if it was! There are tons of companies to choose from these days, even to the point that one might wonder which ones could exist in the real world. If you had to work for a fictional company in a videogame world, who would be better and who might throw you to the dogs, in a sense? Which might let you browse reddit, and who would definitely not let you on Betway eSports? To answer the questions you maybe never had, here's a few you might not want to work for if you value your sanity, or your life.
1 - The Umbrella Corporation
Like you thought this company wouldn't be on this list. Sure, they're a multi-billion dollar company, or were at one point, and sure, they probably had a great retirement plan, if you managed to survive that long. Healthcare? Not even sure I want to speculate on that one, considering Umbrella, of Resident Evil fame, probably would have been more than happy to test on their own employees. Getting healthcare from The Umbrella Corporation just sounds like a terrible idea, unless you've always wanted to be a zombie or something even worse. I bet the company paid well though!
2 - Vault-Tec Corporation
The world of Fallout was peaceful at one point, but when looking into Vault-Tec, one starts to realize they were always expecting something bad now weren't they. Normal people don't spend their days building bunkers, especially a network of underground vaults, bomb, and research shelters in preparation for the end of days. With a government contract to do just that, though, I'm sure they took great care of their employees... that is until the Great War. Remember, if you played Fallout 4 (and if you didn't, this I suppose could be a spoiler), the Vault-Tec rep door-to-door salesman wasn't allowed into a vault his own company made. Be careful who you choose to work for, you may end up a ghoul after nuclear fallout.
3 - Abstergo Industries
Come on, who doesn't want to work with a company who works incredibly hard to gather memories of historical figures in order to make amazing videogames! The offices of Abstergo from the Assassin's Creed series are state-of-the-art and while some of your co-workers are annoying as hell (John Standish of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag fame, I'm looking at you), the place has a ton of perks and you get to explore the lives of those from the past! So what's the downside? Oh, nothing big, they're just (SPOILER if you didn't know) the opposite of the Assassin's Guild whom you've been playing as in the entire series. Yeah, they're Templars. Have fun working for the bad guys!
4 - United Aerospace Corporation
Space sounds fun, and travelling through teleporters, or gateways, from one place to another sounds even more fun, doesn't it? What, didn't you see The Fly? How many things could possibly go wrong using something like this, but United Aerospace Corporation, or UAC of Doom fame apparently didn't take those films to heart. First, there's the risk that things can (and do) go wrong while using the gateways, and the fact that if you use one, you run the risk of becoming homicidally insane. So... did the gateways open the portal to Hell, causing demonic possession? Well they certainly didn't help, but if you think that's worth the risk, then UAC is the company for you.
5 - Ryan Industries
Andrew Ryan was a man with his own vision, a vision of an underwater world with free markets and absolutely No Government Involvement in business. He achieved his dream, creating the city Rapture that looked like an absolute utopia... until people started going mad. Sure, Ryan Industries from the BioShock series gave scientists pretty much free reign to create whatever it was they wanted, allowing them to invent human enhancers known as Plasmids that would give a normal human being special abilities, doesn't that sound great? Well, yeah, until someone loses their mind because of said Plasmids and Rapture becomes an underwater nightmare with no escape because you are underwater! Sometimes, a little oversight can go a long way.
There are a ton of other fictional companies you probably shouldn't work for, give us your favourites in the comments below! Think some of these guys aren't actually all that bad? Let us know that too, we're always up for a debate! Remember, even in the fictional world, sometimes the payout doesn't make the job worth it. If there's a risk you could end up insane, dead, a zombie, or a ghoul, then maybe the job isn't worth your time. Unless, that is, you like the idea of that kind of outcome, and if you do, good luck!
To add more bang for your reading buck, here's an infographic that you might find interesting: