Facebook on Batman: Arkham Origins
It’s been just over a fortnight since Batman: Arkham Origins, the latest entry in the Batman: Arkham trilogy was released, and the game has proven to be quite polarising with both consumers and critics.
Unlike previous instalments in the series – which were developed by British studio, Rocksteady – production duties for Origins were handled by Warner Bros. Games Montréal, who chose to make the title a prequel, following a less experienced Dark Knight. It was also the first Arkham game not to be penned by prolific DC Comics writer Paul Dini, or feature the voice talent of Kevin Connroy and Mark Hamill as the Caped Crusader and Joker respectively.
Leading up to launch many gamers seemed to be apprehensive about the quality of the upcoming entry in the franchise. But now that players have had time to visit Origins’ snow-blanketed Gotham for themselves, opposing points of view have been whizzing around like batarangs.
Some gamers have been rather positive
While others... well, not so much
But most seemed to have strongly mixed opinions
Thanks very much to all the superheroes out there who answered our bat-signal; don’t worry, your secret identities are safe with us.
If you have any thoughts on the latest chapter in the Arkham series, why not visit our Facebook page and join in the conversation? Is Origins a worthy addition to the franchise, or does it fail to live up to its prestigious heritage?
Let us know in the comments below, and for everything Bruce Wayne - be it games, movies or comic books – be sure to keep your bat-computers logged in to GameGrin.