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Evolve's Deadly Dance with DLC

Evolve's Deadly Dance with DLC

A lot has been made recently of the announcement that Evolve would have $60 worth of DLC on release. A lot more has also been made of the fact that the game had been cited by developers in the run up to release as a game “built with DLC in mind”. One only has to trawl the forums, Reddit or other gaming channels to see the plethora of angry fans spouting their discontent.

Now, I am put into a quandary. On the one hand I am a firm believer that DLC is a viable, yet thoroughly unnecessary practice in gaming. On the other, I bloody love Evolve. There seem to be two arguments rearing their heads: those decrying Evolve as everything wrong with modern gaming and those arguing that the DLC is only cosmetics.

The latter argument is not quite true. Though the majority of the DLC offered by 2K and Turtle Rock Studios are based around skins and other cosmetic items, four hunters are also purchasable DLC, along with the fourth monster. It is also known that further down the line, as more hunters and monsters are added, that they will be DLC too.

evolve launch day skins 1

Though I have an objection to the proliferation of DLC as a feature of the gaming world, I must admit it hasn’t bothered me in the slightest in playing Evolve. I have no real interest in paying the money to make my monster slightly redder or paler, or in customising the colour of guns. Therefore the existence of the cosmetics (which you do not need to buy to see in-game) do not bother me. I spend far too much time concentrating on other things (like the 40ft monster hunting me down) to stop and have a really good look at how someone has changed to colour of their med gun.

Characters are a different matter, and I would have liked to have had the DLC hunters released with the game. Down the line the release of new hunters should be expected to be DLC, but to have content (extra content, not just cosmetics) locked away behind a paywall does irk me.

2418269 evolve+preorder

The question here is, though, should I let it spoil my enjoyment of the game? The answer is a firm no. It seems that Turtle Rock has trapped itself within a Catch-22 situation: before release people were decrying Evolve for its supposed awful replayability. “You’ll get bored” they said. “There’s not enough content”. In response to these claims Turtle Rock and 2K created a model which adds fresh content to the mix, albeit at a price, and have faced equally vehement criticism.

Perhaps this is simply the climate of the times that game studios have to face when releasing new titles. After the disappointments of other AAA releases in recent times, perhaps many gamers start up a game looking for things to hate. After all, Train Simulator has more than £1,000 worth of DLC that arrives as soon as the game launches. Total War: Rome II, which has also come under fire for its multiple DLC packs, launched with more than double the amount of factions and units that the 2004 original had, yet was lambasted for not providing enough playable content.

The bottom line is this: while playing Evolve’s “hunt” mode with random other players, at the end of another tense match, someone piped up over the voice chat:

“Wow that was amazing,” he said. “I almost didn’t buy this game but I’m so glad I did.”

Alex Hamilton

Alex Hamilton

Staff Writer

Financial journalist by trade, GameGrin writer by choice. Writing skills the result of one million monkeys with one million typewriters.

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reece92david - 11:15am, 22nd February 2015

The cosmetic aspects of DLC don't really bother me, it's the core content of things such as monsters and hunters not being available unless you purchase them that I don't think is fair. Especially on release, unfortunately this has become pretty common but on a plus side it does extend the re-playability of the game.

Guest - 01:51pm, 22nd February 2015

While I get that DLC is a big moneymaker for developers, I'm always pretty dubious about release day DLC; it just feels like a cheap ploy, especially when a new release already costs $60-70+. It just feels like the dev cut count so they could parcel it out for later...

weeboon - 09:15pm, 22nd February 2015

I think one game that has a pretty good DLC plan is Payday 2: they release content for free after the game is released, while also introducing paid content in their DLCs. With the DLC, they also made sure that they gave a bit of freebies to players who did not buy the DLC. That way, it has kept the gamers who have paid for the base game but not the DLCs happy and made them feel they are not neglected, and gamers are also more ready to accept that the developers need a way to generate a sustainable revenue from what's traditionally 'one-off' game purchases in the past.

Guest - 12:34am, 24th February 2015

I was interested when they announced the game, and it's core concept. Then betas came out, and people were saying it was rather mediocre after a while...so I figured I would wait to see what the final verdict was once the game actually released. THEN, the DLC was announced...and right then I called "bullshit" and took this one off my list. Simple as that. YOu get crazy with microtransactions (and I don't care that the majority are "cosmetic" or otherwise optional), and I WILL NOT BUY, PERIOD. I have ZERO problem paying for an expansion pack or two, I do it all the time...but when you have a $60 game + $25 for a "season pass" + $135 in other announced DLC? When you have not one, not two, not even for, but EIGHT different versions you can pre-order (yeah, I don't pre-order anymore after Halo MCC and AC:Parity either)...that math just doesn't add up. Sorry guys, but I won't be subsidizing your BROKEN business model. Find a way to get me the FULL GAME under $100 with SIMPLE, easy to choose options, and I will buy. Nickel and dime me? Forget it!
