Emsey's RPG Recommendations
Emsey Recommends:
Final Fantasy X
Square Enix's Final Fantasy series is probably one of the most, if not the most renowned game series of all time. If you fancy a spirited debate in a pub full of gamers, then "Which is the best Final Fantasy game?" is a question likely to spark some heated conversation. When this happens, I always argue for the one I hold nearest and dearest: Final Fantasy X. As I spent my formative years in a country without games consoles, (or regular electricity for that matter) FFX was the very first console game I ever played, at the tender age of eleven, and is consequently, for me, my absolute favourite role-playing game.
So many RPGs this day and age are for solo play. I'm not so much talking about single vs multi-player functionality, but more about who is around you when you play. One of my fondest memories with FFX is playing the game with friends. My brother and I used to go and visit our friends Tom and Ellie, and as soon as we got there, all four of us would pack into Tom's little room, put the PlayStation 2 on, and whirl away on our adventures with Tidus, Yuna, and company. We would take turns doing battles and discuss, at great length, which would be the best place direction to go on the sphere grid, to gain new, beneficial spells. Any game that can be enjoyed by four children at once, even though only a single child would have the controller at any given time, is sheer genius.
I don't want to give too much away about the game, because if you haven't played it, every second is a wonderful gift of an experience, and it would be cruel for me to tarnish any of that. What I will say is this, every single aspect of this game is perfect. The characters are strong, believable, amazing people, you can't help but fall in love with; the soundtrack is wistful, powerful and awe inspiring; the graphics, beautiful, striking and haunting; and the storyline? Oh the storyline! The tale of FFX is a complex medley of love, honour, friendship and devotion that is both heartwarming and heartbreaking all at once. Its visionary use of 3D maps also make it a real game-changer. If you have never played FFX then I suggest you do so at your earliest convenience! If you have, then you're perchance, like me, waiting with bated breath for the high-def re-release!
Alternatively, try:
Fable/Fable: The Lost Chapters
Whilst many people are familiar with Fable 2 and Fable 3, my experience working in the games industry has brought it to my attention that not as many have played the original Fable. Released on both the Xbox and PC, Fable is now also available to download on the Xbox Live Marketplace. So if you haven't tried it, you have no excuse. Fable is a charming game. The simplicity of the gameplay, graphics and story make it accessible, yet never dull, and always delighting. I love the way, similar to Black and White, that the decisions you make whilst playing affect the gameplay, so you can enjoy it several times, each with different results. Even the appearance of your hero can change, based on whether you play nicely, or naughtily!
Fable is one of those great RPGs that have an open world, which you can explore in your own time. There are so many little side-quests to try, goals to achieve and even places to fish! One thing I especially love about this game is something that is present in all of the Fable series, but notably in this one; the sense of humour, it really is funny. From the drawling country accents of the villagers, to the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) adult content, it is such a laugh to play. I don't know whether it's because it is the genesis of the Fable universe or because the map is slightly smaller and uncomplicated, but the game feels a lot more cozy and ergo easier to love, making it stand out from its sequels, from which I felt a bit more detached. If you're looking for a light-hearted RPG to have some fun with, give this a go.
Dragon Age: Origins
It's no secret that I love Dragon Age: Origins. I mentioned it briefly in one of my staff blogs, as I felt the mute character made for some really immersive gameplay. But the beauty of this game and the reason I am so fond of it is your little team of followers. The voice acting is impeccable, although I am partial to anything sporting Claudia Black's dulcet tones (she voices Morrigan, if you didn't know) not to mention numerous other memorable sci-fi actors/actresses (Kate Mulgrew, Tim Russ to name a couple). The quality of the character interaction, for me, makes it stand out from so many other RPGs. The feature of the campsite, allowing you to get to know your companions on a more intimate level, mean that you grow to actually care about their fates. Combining this with the personal quests that may, or may not lead to a change in the character's personality, creates a real bond, and you'll do anything to help them.
The combat system of this game is also excellent. I sometimes find that in RPGs, when commanding a group of people, you can become overwhelmed or bored if the combat is turn-based. This method of having four in a team and being able to quickly switch between characters is great. You can select "rules" for your characters to follow and quick-fire spells which lead to a fast-paced, easily controllable combat. Even the DLC for Dragon Age: Origins is excellent, with numerous extra stories, adding ample extra hours of gaming. All of this weaves together with the vast and engrossing lore that makes up the history of Fereldan and Thedas. If you are a pen-and-paper role-player then you should not pass up on this.
Emsey out.
icaruschips - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
FFX - <3 Lost Chapters - <3 DA:O - <3 I love all of those games. Now I want to re-download Dragon Age but it'll take ages. :(
Kaostic - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
I've never really been that heavily into RPGs. I like them but didn't care enough about the story or the lore to get into them so they just fell into my shame pile along with all the other shit I buy. I never touched Dragon Age either but it does look like quite a decent game. It looks like something I would have to sit and play and not put down until I'd finished it though..
Misterwoot - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
Never did play any of the Fable games, although the other two I wholeheartedly commend. The old Black Isle games like Planescape Torment and the Baldurs Gate games were cool too. As were Fallout 1 and 2.
icaruschips - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
Planescape: Torment still has some of the best writing I've seen in a game. Brilliant fun. I like Fallout, but Fallout 2 is the best in the series, I think. Tactics was alright, but I hate the Bethesda Fallout and considering it's effectively the same game in a different setting, that made me avoid New Vegas, too. I want Van Buren to be finished, because I'm picky.
Emseypenguin - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Now I want to re-download Dragon Age but it'll take ages. :(
...WORTH IT! Glad you approve DA as you obviously have impeccable taste in games!Emseypenguin - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016 Author
I never touched Dragon Age either but it does look like quite a decent game. It looks like something I would have to sit and play and not put down until I'd finished it though..
It is one of those games that you just have to keep playing- but there are so many options and there's so much content that you just have endless hours of gameplay. It's a very, very good game.