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Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Ten

Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Ten

This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Raw Danger!...

Amber Brazil was trying to get to her brother’s apartment to find clues to his murder, and despite delays had finally arrived…

It was now 24th December at 22:18 (eight hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and I had reached the Landmark Apartments Area. As we approached David Brazil’s apartment, a police car raced towards us and cut us off — it was Detective Trapp! Aidan told me to run, so we began to before a bullet struck the road ahead of us and we immediately stopped. Trapp approached and told Aidan that it was against the law to aid a fugitive, then took aim at me and said, “I won’t miss this time! Time for you to die!”

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A bad tremor hit, so I braced against the road even as it broke free from the rest of the block and dipped at a 40 degree angle. The police car slid and the rolled down, hitting Trapp and taking him down to the bottom, but I didn’t have time to celebrate as two vans and another car followed. However, once things had stopped moving, I did go down and could see that Trapp was almost certainly dead.

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Returning to Aidan, we continued on to the apartment building literally metres away. I spotted a recycling bin and stored a First Aid Kit and two Heating Pads, as well as the Emergency Pack that I wasn’t using. Around the corner was some Porridge which I took and a Knitted Cap that I equipped, then put my Baseball Cap in the recycling bin. Further around was a Snowflake Compass, but then I finally went to the front doors.

Aidan offered to remain outside in case police backup arrived, or presumably in case Trapp actually wasn’t dead. It wouldn’t have surprised me to have gone up to the fourth floor and found Trapp already waiting for me, if I was quite honest at this point… I asked Aidan if he thought Trapp would come after us again, but he doubted it would be anytime soon.

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After entering the building, I opened the unlocked office door next to me, then warmed up at the Survival Point. Then, I picked up a Thermal Box and picked up a Handmade Sweater, which I couldn’t equip I assume because of the handcuffs. Rather than go upstairs right away, I checked the apartment doors on the ground floor, but only found a Yose Nabe Compass at the end of the hall.

Proceeding to the first basement level, I found some Ski Gloves and put them on, then checked the doors. I found an unlocked one at the end of a row and entered, finding some Sneakers and equipping them. I left a Beef Stew on the living room floor, then in the bedroom I found a Woman’s Jersey and Workout Pants, both of which I equipped. No idea how the jersey worked with the handcuffs, but hey… I wanted to change my outfit, as the police were looking for me in my current one.

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In the kitchen was a Portable Stove, but I was out of space in my Backpack, so chose not to grab it. There was a door which led outside into a parking lot, unfortunately not out to the recycling bin where I could have put some stuff like I wanted. I picked up some Adhesive Tape and a Baby Compass, as well as an Afro Wig which I definitely planned on giving to Aidan later.

Back inside, I went down to the second basement which was the underground parking lot and found a Garbage Bag, but I had literally no space and really wanted to see Aidan with an afro. So, I headed up to the fourth floor (when it turned out I couldn’t exit through the front doors, and had warmed up in the office) to finally check David’s home.

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I ignored a Heating Pad on the floor and a Yellow Umbrella inside, as I could hear the Music Box which he had gifted to me still playing. I went into the living room and picked it up, but again had no space so needed to sort my inventory out… I threw away the Porridge and Curry Beef, then picked up a Cloth Jacket (which I couldn’t equip) and the Music Box.

Suspecting that there was more to the box than it appeared, I decided to shake it and heard something rattling inside of it. It was a piece of paper, which said, “Guardian God of Water in Cascade. Head to the bottom from the sky.”

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I didn’t have long to ponder it, because the man in black snatched it out of my hand! Had he been hiding nearby, or just arrived? I said that I remembered him, but he ignored me and ran off after reading the “clue”. Aidan ran in immediately and asked which way “he” went, so it seemed like the guy had just strolled past Mr Blue Suit and in the front door…

I said that he was the one who killed my brother, and he was shocked for all of one second before asking what was on the piece of paper that he stole from me. I told him what I remembered, and he realised that it must mean Cascade Dam, and that we should go there. I suggested we take my brother’s car, and we went to the sub basement to get it, driving off.

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It was now 25th December at 02:14 (12 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and I had reached the Angelina Area. It was still four hours before Joshua and Steph would arrive, and I knew that there was an empty recycling bin beneath the restaurant. Unfortunately, the car broke down and we had to abandon it. As we were hurrying to the dam, Aidan told me that we needed another car. I proposed that we split up, so he went on ahead and I looked around the immediate area.

The immediate area was a footbridge which crossed the road, and a chasm with some metal planks across it. It took me minutes to check around and ensure that I wasn’t missing anything… So, I followed after Aidan, only to meet someone in a blue dress and pink cardigan — they must have been freezing!

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I said good evening, and they asked if I had seen someone, then showed me the ID card of the unconscious person we’d rescued from the tunnel, and it turned out their name was Ivan Korlov who worked at NorCal Pharmaceutical like my brother had. I told her that he was unconscious in the tunnel, and rescue workers had taken him away, so she ran off to find them.

I tried to get into the apartment building she had just left to no avail, then found a Cucumber Compass on my way to check the parking spaces beneath the Angelina restaurant. There was a car with its keys likely in the restaurant above, but before going up there I checked the recycling bin and found the First Aid Kit, a Heating Pad, and Umbrella that Joshua hadn’t yet left there. Space is warped, and time is bendable…

Rather than head upstairs, I went looking around to try and find some stuff, and locate Aidan. Behind a truck I found a Curry Rice Compass, and in the car park I found Aidan who had no luck locating a suitable vehicle. I gave him a bunch of stuff that I’d been holding onto for him, the Afro Wig, the Cloth Jacket, and the Knit Gloves. He wouldn’t equip the Handmade Sweater, though with the snow which I knew was coming later he’d probably regret that.

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Scattered around the car park and surrounding area, I found a Travel Pouch (which I equipped), a Waitress Uniform, Ear Muffs (I also equipped), and a Kitten Ears headband. Then, I went to the restaurant intending on warming up.

Checking out the bathrooms, I found a Christmas Coat hung up, so I put that on and now only the handcuffs were a hint that I was an escaped fugitive. Unless someone actually saw the photograph on the news and got a good look at my face… But none of my clothes were the same, at least!

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Walking into the dining area, I was surprised to find someone there; a blonde reporter. He was lost in his research, talking to himself about things being kept secret from corporate executives. He recognised me immediately when he looked up, so I tried to deflect by saying that the handcuffs were my boyfriends’ — then immediately fessing up that I was the person on the news, but that I was innocent. He somehow knew that David worked for NorCal, and figured that if I hadn’t killed my brother, then someone framed me. He asked what David did, but I said I didn’t know.

We were interrupted by Aidan running in, saying that he found the car keys in the register. When introduced to the nameless reporter, Aidan asked if he was planning on writing about Amber, but he confirmed that wasn't the case. I thanked Aidan, then the reporter recognised Aidan as Mayor Goldstein’s secretary, and claimed that he was here and not with the mayor as he wanted to prove my innocence.

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Aidan went to wait downstairs for me, and I stole a D Battery from who I suddenly realised was Keith Helm, survivor of Stiver Island! His glasses and different haircut honestly threw me, I’d make a lousy detective… I tried to give him the Crime File and Police Report that I still carried, but he didn’t want them, so I warmed up in the kitchen, grabbed a Pot, then headed down to the car.

First, I opened the recycling bin and put in the Kitten Ears, my Custom Jacket, the Handmade Sweater, and the Waitress Uniform. Then, I told Aidan that he was a good person, and he apologised for not telling me about his job. He seemed to idolise the mayor, but didn’t want to dwell on it, so we got in the car and headed for Cascade Dam…

Disaster Report Diaries
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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