Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Six
This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Raw Danger!...
Joshua Harwell and Steph McMurrough had rested and decided to reach the Mission Care Center before they would evacuate the city…
It was 26th December 05:12 (39 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and we had arrived at the Mission Care Center Area, Saint Vincent District. The ground was coated with fresh snow and Steph was shivering. I once more attempted to give her the Leopard Jacket to no avail, so instead, I unequipped my Ear Muffs and gave those to her instead.
Just down the street was the entrance to a park, which appeared to have been used as a staging area as there were two gurneys beneath one of the several tents. A barrel fire burned in the middle, so we warmed up there and ate some Chicken Soup before I started looking around. I found a Nurse’s Cap, which I gave to Steph, and an Energy Drink, then we left the park. Steph pointed out the Mission Care Center a short distance ahead — unfortunately, we were at the top of a hill, and deep flood water blocked our way.
I decided that we should hurry and that we should split up to look for a way to cross the water. It was a distance of only a few streets, so she went South and I looked around everywhere else. I found a Garbage Bag beside a building, and some Adhesive Tape on the back of a truck. On the other side of the building was Jasper who was still holding on to some things for me, including the Crowbar, which I took from him.
Meeting up with Steph, she had located an inflatable dinghy but it wasn’t close to the nearby stairs. However, it was near a collapsed roof, so I shifted a stepladder to allow us to get up on top of the building and reach the boat. Before we climbed aboard, I found an Energy Drink on a balcony and grabbed it, then we embarked. Despite being absolutely soaked and getting colder by the minute, I decided to explore the area a little. On a couple of balconies, I found some Lace-up Boots and Black Pants, which I figured I could give to Steph later.
Upon rounding the row of houses, a tremor sent a small wave of water to push us, as several houses to our left slid down to block the way. I probably could have made it around them, if not for a dislodged live power line which fell into the water. Reversing course, we went through a gap between two houses and up the adjacent row.
Rapidly losing body heat, I decided to use my one Heating Pad, and also drank an Energy Drink. That would keep my temperature steady for a short time before it began to drop again — short being the operative word, as it took less than a minute. We reached the Mission Care Center and managed to avoid two vehicles which a tremor dislodged, sending them into the water in front of us, and we debarked our little raft.
Steph hurried to the doors, calling for help, while I trudged behind her, really feeling the cold now. A sign on the door said that everyone had evacuated to Del Ray Inner Park, though she was still hesitant to see her stepmother Claire. I told her that she’d know what to do when she saw her, and we hopped back in the dinghy.
It was 26th December 07:30 (41 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception) when we reached Del Ray Inner Park Area. The houses were akilter and the water was running downhill, taking us with it. Thankfully, it wasn’t a waterfall, just a bit of rapids which took us to a broken foot bridge. Someone stood on the bridge and called out to us, indicating that we should head for a nearby dock — but then a whirlpool opened up! We managed to circumnavigate it and reach the dock without issue, but it was still a shock to see.
The aid worker told us to get to the circus tent which took up most of the parking lot, and confirmed that people had been evacuated there earlier. A rescue helicopter was on its way, so we had to wait there. I was dying from the cold, so figured that was a great idea. Steph hesitated, so I told her that she came to see Claire, so she should actually do that.
However, before we reached the tent, a tremor hit, collapsing some more buildings and someone called out. Steph went to check it out, but I continued into the tent and found a barrel fire! I warmed up and dried off, then took a look around the tent where I found a Tomato Soup and picked it up. One of the people there was the circus ringmaster, who lamented that he’d lost everything as I listened to him. I told him to not give up, and to rebuild the circus even bigger! This actually inspired him, and he confirmed he would before giving me a Pirate Hat. So, I popped it on.
Out the back of the tent was a notice board which stated that 26th of December was the ringmaster’s birthday, so that may have contributed to why he was so upset… Outside were two trucks and two caravans, AKA recreational vehicles (or RVs), but I didn’t spot anything else, so went back inside and warmed up again before deciding to find out what was keeping Steph.
The aid worker and Steph were standing next to an injured person, and I was asked to help carry them, so I agreed. We carried them into the tent on a stretcher, and who I assumed to be a medical professional told me to get them something hot to eat. Some soup was on a stove in one of the RVs, so I went out and picked up a First Aid Kit from the ground, which I had spotted through the fence while carrying the stretcher. There was also a Heating Pad on a table on the opposite side of the parking lot.
One of the RVs was locked, so I went into the other one and warmed up, grabbed some soup, and hurried back to the tent. I hadn’t wanted the soup to get cold, but because I ran I was admonished for spilling so much of it… I was thanked, and Steph immediately asked about Claire who, as it turned out, was in the locked RV! She ran out, and of course, I followed her after warming up.
Who I assumed was a doctor exited the RV and Steph asked about Claire. They seemed glad to hear that Steph was a family member, as Claire was dying and didn’t have much time left. He left and Steph went in, then after a few moments of consideration, I followed her in.
Claire recognised her stepdaughter and thanked her for coming to see her. She told Steph that it was okay to hate her if it made her feel better. Steph wasn’t to worry about apologising or blaming herself, she should just take care of her father. She passed away, and we left.
I told Steph that Claire was very happy to see her, which she seemed grateful for. Steph thanked me for helping her to see her mum, then asked for some time alone. I returned to the tent to warm up and found it empty. Checking out the front, I spotted the rescue helicopter! An aid worker called me over, but the ground began to shake and then fell from beneath the chopper! It, and all aboard, fell into a whirlpool and the tent began to sink!
With the water chasing me, I ran towards the rear of the tent for both safety and to find Steph. I had to avoid things that slid towards me, including the trucks which tore through the tent but made it outside. Steph was already running for safety, calling me to follow her. As the ground fell away, I reached a fence which I was able to run across — until the fence itself started being dragged underwater! With the water nipping at my ankles, I reached some stairs and hurried up them to safety.
As we watched the tent disappearing beneath the water, I uttered: “That just figures”, as if about a dozen people hadn’t just died in front of me. A helicopter appeared in the air, it was Steph’s father! He motioned for us to meet him at the Media Tower, and the chopper took off towards it, with us following far behind…