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Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Seven

Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Seven

This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Raw Danger!...

Joshua Harwell and Steph McMurrough had seen her stepmother and been told to reach the Media Tower and safety…

It was 26th December 10:40 (44 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and we had arrived at the Central Geo District Area. The wind was pressing against us as we walked along train tracks that led us across a broken bridge. The tall buildings on either side of us did nothing to stymie the gale, and signs kept blowing off of them and threatening to strike us.

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We went down a ladder (Steph, unlike Karen Morris, had no complaints about someone being below her), and crossed a gap using a fallen sign. A second sign almost squashed me, then I found a First Aid Kit. Since my backpack was full, I decided to use one of my own kits and replace it with the one from the floor. My body heat had been dropping anyway.

The bridge was broken ahead of us, so we climbed up a ladder and carefully crossed some fractured sections, and that seemed to be the end of the tracks for us. But I reckoned I could make the jump to the roof of a building, so I gave it a try and made it! I called to Steph and she made the jump and I managed to grab her arms and stop her from falling.

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I tried to warm us both up with a hug, but she declined and suggested that we find somewhere to warm up. Exploring the rooftop, I found some Rubber Gloves which I equipped, discarding my knit gloves in the process, and also a Geo Treat pot though I didn’t pick that up. On a bench was a First Aid Kit which I left alone, and a Propane Tank was hidden around a corner. A door took us into a locker room with a Survival Point in it, which was great as my body temperature was getting low. We warmed up and I cooked us Tomato Soup to eat.

On the floor was a Beef Stew and a Heating Pad both of which I left, before heading back outside. The only way off of the roof was to drop down onto a train which was dangling precariously, and use it to cross onto more of the rail bridge. We went down a ladder and hurried towards a tunnel a short distance ahead.

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A tremor suddenly hit, and a flood of water came cascading over a barrier wall which was higher than the tall buildings on either side of us! Steph ran ahead and I had to catch up as the water rose swiftly, threatening to submerge the tracks which I was running upon!

I managed to reach the top of the ladder despite the rumbling and falling buildings, but the water wasn’t done rising yet! In fact, it chased us right to the tunnel, but luckily no further. Out through the other side, we saw the helicopter fly past, so we got a move on.

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It was 26th December 15:13 (49 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception) when we reached the Del Ray Station Area. We could see the helicopter landing a short distance away, so I cheered on a tired Steph with “We’re almost there!”

We had arrived at a train station, and the wind was perhaps worse than it had been on the bridge earlier. I finally remembered to give Steph the Lace-up Boots, but she didn’t want the Black Pants. A derailed train was hanging over a King Crab Compass, so when I grabbed it I had to run and steady myself as the carriage almost squashed me.

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The only way open meant that we had to go down into an underground section which got a little concerning when a series of small tremors brought small bits of debris down on us. The gates at the end led to an open area with a massive Christmas tree — and a tremor toppled it right towards me! I managed to avoid it and braced, and saw the floor beneath it was now badly cracked…

Upon the stand which the tree had fallen from was a Heating Pad and a First Aid Kit, so I nabbed the kit after using one from my backpack. We then exited beneath some shutters and found the helicopter right in front of us! Steph and her father embraced and she explained that Claire had died, but her father was just glad that the two had reconciled beforehand. He told us to board the chopper, and we were finally safe.

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After an epilogue which summarised events, I received Ending Type 1-A, which stated that I had travelled 12 miles and warmed up 20 times across 3:19:42, with my Pedometer Compass saying over 11,520.

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But the disaster wasn’t over. Joshua and Stephanie weren’t the only people to escape Geo City, there was also Amber Brazil. Back in Part Three, I figured that I was helping out the escaped murder suspect by pointing her out to the police detective. Now, I had to live with the consequence of that action, because I was taking control of her!

It was 24th December at 14:17 (0 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and Amber was in a jail cell at Geo Police Station. The detective taunted me and said that he wanted to shoot me, before storming off. Unable to believe that this was really happening, I thought back on what had transpired just two hours earlier.

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At the Landmark Apartments, I exited the elevator and looked for apartment 402 where Amber’s brother lived. The sound of running water reminded me that it was raining, and I figured the sound was coming through a window, despite a lack of any in the hallway. The door to 402 was ajar, so I went inside and called out for David Brazil. There was no response, so I took a look around the toilet room and bathroom, discovering an overflowing bath which had water still running into it. I turned off the tap which stopped the sound of water.

The sound returned as I opened the ajar living room door and almost collided with a man in a black suit! He asked if I was Sierra Young, and I decided to say yes. Either David would correct the issue, or it would prevent them from hurting me. Or cause them to hurt me, I later supposed… As it was, he told me that “he brought this on himself” and quickly left.

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David lay on the rug in the middle of the room, with the TV playing the mayor’s conference, and the balcony door open. He managed to tell me “the music box” before succumbing to whatever injury he had sustained… I could hear the song playing from the bedroom, but first I went out onto the balcony and picked up a Music Box Compass.

In the bedroom, a photo of David was on the floor, so I picked it up, then crawled under the desk which was in my way, to grab the Music Box. It had a Message Card inside from David, explaining that it was a Christmas present, and how I was clumsy. Wistful thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell — it was the police! I went straight to the door and opened it, and when the detective informed me that they had received a report of a murder, I told them that the man in black had killed David.

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To show just how much they believed me, the flashback ended with me still in the jail cell. I told them that they had to find the real killer, but the officer outside of my cell just walked away…

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Disaster Report Diaries
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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