Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Eleven
This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Raw Danger!...
Amber Brazil and Aidan Chase were on their way to Cascade Dam, following a clue left by her dead brother, to find his murderer…
It was now 25th December at 11:40 (21 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and we had arrived at the Cascade Dam Area in the Historic District. It had been nine hours since we had arrived at the Angelina diner, and we were now far from the flooding city, but the snow had been accumulating for quite some time.
As we pulled up near the access point of the dam, Aidan spotted someone way before I did, and ran off after them. It was the man in black! I crawled through a gap in the fence, still encumbered by the police handcuffs, and grabbed a Heating Pad from the broken staircase heading downwards. I ran upstairs and found a Helmet, so I put that in my bag, then continued on into an office.
On the floor were some Goggles, which I equipped, and a Lighter that I shoved in my bag, then I warmed up at the Survival Point. I took the opportunity to cook the Tomato Soup and store it in my Thermal Box for later, then picked up a brochure about the Cascade Dam. It said that it was a megastructure, and hoped I would enjoy and remember it. By the looks of things, soon memories would be all that remained of it…
There was a recycling bin outside which I stored a Heating Pad in, then I headed for the stairs. A tremor hit, and the floor fell away ahead of me, followed by a big chunk of the dam above me! Water poured from above, but I ventured forth up the next staircase. Another tremor blew out part of the dam which began spraying water out, blocking the way, so I went around to the next set of stairs — which started to fall apart behind me.
At the top, I ignored the next staircase and followed the path, finding a Dam Compass in the snow. Then, I equipped my Lace-up Boots (Sneakers were no footwear for snow) and went upstairs to the top of the dam. A figure was safely off of the dam to my right, and I say safely because two chunks of the dam fell away, blocking me from going over there.
Of course, I knew that meant the rest of the dam was crumbling too, so I legged it for safety at the far end, dodging parked trucks as the concrete steadily dropped into the water behind me. I leapt to safety and wondered what the Guardian God of Water was — Aidan abandoned me, he could suck it.
A First Aid Kit was on a picnic table, and nearby was a standee of Geo, the city mascot, with a hole cut out so that you could put your face inside for others to take photographs of. While I had nobody to take my photo, I still shoved my face right in there, then moved on past the building which I assumed was for office administrators, or employee housing.
There was a bridge connected to a building, with a long ladder below it, so I went inside and warmed up at the Survival Point. The only other thing inside was a crate on a trolley, which sat over a hatch. Opening the hatch, I went down the really long ladder to the bottom, and it was almost as low as where the dam had split due to the force of water, so the platform was definitely submerged until minutes prior.
I found a Data Disk on the floor with a note from David Brazil attached. In the letter, he apologised for making me find this disk because he was dead, but as part of a research team at work he had helped develop “something terrible”. I was to hand the disk over to his friend and colleague Jaden Bradford, whoever that was. I took a moment to grieve over David’s death.
Once at the top of the long ladder, I warmed up again and left the building. Aidan had caught up and I went over to him. He asked if I had found anything, so I answered with a question: where had he been? My follow-up was going to ask how he got here at all, given the fact that the dam had collapsed right behind me. Except, he pulled a knife on me!
He wanted me to hand over the disk, which was in my hands, so I asked him why he was doing this? He answered that he was sick and tired of me, and threatened to “carve out your face like a Halloween pumpkin.” The man in black called out, preventing Aidan from stabbing me! He was Jaden, from the note!
Aidan grabbed me, and Jaden asked if Aidan was going to kill “his sister too?” Aidan blamed David, saying that he’d betrayed “us”, so I bit him. He called me a name and shoved me to the floor, then plunged his knife into me! Except he actually hit the handcuffs! Maybe it was for the best that he never helped me get out of them…
A tremor shook us and started an avalanche, so I grabbed hold of the lamppost that Aidan had hold of, knocking him off. Jaden and I were still in one piece, but I found Aidan gripping onto a ledge. I told him that I’d never forgive him, but decided to save him. After all, I needed him alive to prove my innocence.
The police arrived, and I was so happy to see that it wasn’t Detective Trapp. After an epilogue which summarised events, I received Ending Type 2-A, which stated that I had travelled six miles and warmed up 16 times across 1:44:54, with my Pedometer Compass saying over 18,264.
But the disaster wasn’t over. Joshua, Stephanie, and Amber weren’t the only people to escape Geo City, there was also Isaac Schiller. Now, I was taking control of him!