Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Eight
This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Raw Danger!...
Joshua Harwell and Steph McMurrough had escaped on the third day, meanwhile back on day one Amber Brazil was in a jail cell…
After a flashback revealing that she was suspected of killing her brother David, Amber was the only prisoner in the block. I called out to the officer guarding me, but he told me to shut up. So, I called him several times!
A huge tremor put a stop to that, tearing up the floor and opening up a hole in the wall. In the toilet cubicle inside my cell, a Towel Bar had been knocked loose, so I grabbed it and exited through the new hole. Exploring a little, I found a Heating Pad in one of the interrogation rooms, then found the guard pinned beneath a bookcase. I held it up so that he could escape, and he asked me to find his Key Ring. They were in a gap, which I was able to use the Towel Bar to reach, after which I decided to keep the bar in case I needed it later.
The officer told me to get my stuff from a locker, so I unlocked one of them and grabbed my Lace-up Boots and Shoulder Bag, equipping both in the process. I followed my former guard to the gate and unlocked it, but we were stopped by the detective. He had a go at the officer, saying that escaped murderers just kill again. He took the Key Ring from me and put me in handcuffs, then muttered about having to take criminals to safety before locking me back behind the gate!
The detective announced that everyone was now evacuated from the basement, then ran off! Being left to die didn’t sit well with me, so I went to try and find another way out. A tremor took out a few walls and threw up dust, but I was unharmed. However, there was water starting to fill the basement, albeit slowly.
Exploring, I found my Custom Jacket and put it on (hanging on my shoulders), as well as a Police Report about my brother’s murder. The detective’s name was Richard Trapp, and the report says that I was unstable and uncooperative, however, they had located the knife used to murder David Brazil, dumped near the apartment. Rather than wait for the crime lab to examine it, it seemed that Trapp had judged me guilty and sentenced me to death…
In another room, I found a Tomato Soup so picked it up, as well as a Crime File. The file seemed unimportant, just reports about a purse-snatcher on 2nd September, deportation of illegal workers on 17th October, the arrest of a gunman on 4th November, and four arrested for fraud on 15th December. Another room had an Ice Cream Compass, but a step ladder was in the first room. Since there was a window in the hallway, broken due to the tremors, I moved the ladder over there just in time, as a rush of water rapidly filled the basement as I escaped!
Just outside, two police officers complained about having to keep criminals safe, and how they wanted to get on the evacuation buses leaving from Downtown Station. They split up and began patrolling, and I figured that getting spotted wasn’t acceptable, so I sneaked through the area to a broken wall and snuck out after grabbing the Frozen Compass next to the hole.
The truck which had caused the damage was blocking one way out, so I had to move past a fuel pipe that was attached to it. Doing so somehow opened it, and a pool of petrol ran towards some burning wreckage. I ran for it, figuring that I knew what came next, and I was absolutely correct: the burning wreckage exploded, causing the fuel truck to also explode! Worse, that triggered a sinkhole to form, dropping two people down into it!
A First Aid kit was on the other side of the road, so I grabbed that before making my escape down the road beneath some monorail tracks. As I entered the tunnel, Tripp drove up on the opposite side of the road and spotted me!
It was now 16:05 (two hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception), and I was in the Downtown Area. Somehow, I had lost Trapp but needed to find a place to warm up soon. As I crossed a road, I saw a large monitor displaying the news — it was the same broadcast that I had seen in Part Three, which detailed some injured people, and then warned people about an escaped murder suspect. This time, it was me…
As I followed the road (and avoided two people), I stopped when Trapp ran up to a police officer and berated him for evacuating residents instead of looking for Amber. He threatened the officer with reprisal should the “murderer” escape, then ran off. While the policeman patrolled, I managed to sneak behind a couple of cars and then spotted Joshua and Stephanie. Trapp ran over and spoke to them, but I knew what was coming — Joshua pointed right at me, and the detective grabbed me, hauling me away…
Trapp stuck me in the back of some kind of people carrier then ran off muttering that it was “about time”. I didn’t really have time to dwell on the recapture, however, as a tremor hit and the vehicle toppled over! When I came to my senses, the rear was open and I was able to crawl out, moving through a drainage canal to some stairs. I had to hurry up those, as a massive rush of water tore through the street behind me!
Not that I could relax, as Trapp immediately spotted me and monologued about how I deserved worse than my “fancy lawyer” would get me. He finished by asking why I killed David, to which I reiterated that he was already dead, killed by the man in black. I finally had a chance to ask a question though, and out of the options available, I didn’t go with who called the police, or how they knew it was me; I asked if they would please find that man.
Trapp said that there were no reports of a man in a black suit, but they had found the murder weapon “in the back” and it had my fingerprints on it. He then aimed his gun at me, saying “a criminal resists and they get shot! Just another day in paradise…”
I tried to duck, but instead grabbed hold of a post next to me. It was lucky, as a rush of water took him away and, presumably, down the stairs I had just come up. I hoped that meant he wouldn’t return, but I’m genre-savvy and that dude really wanted me dead. In any case, I had been saved by the post, and the fact a big planter next to me had blocked most of the water from hitting me. I went to the next set of stairs and almost collapsed…