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Diary of an NPC - Entry Nine

Diary of an NPC - Entry Nine

You play the main character in every game - the plot revolves around your every moment in the game like as unto a god. Of course, this means you ignore what's going on with the people around who you're controlling. The people who drive around, go in and out of stores and generally live their lives. But did you realise there are a limited number of so-called NPCs? To do their jobs in all of these games, especially the heavily-populated ones, they need to be able to come and go as they please. These people don’t think it’s odd to go from deep space to a land of dinosaurs in the space of a week - it’s their way of life. In this series, we follow one of these people - Nigel Philip Charles. After escaping the Citadel before Reapers can attack, Nigel heads back to Earth and to Empire City.

Day of Arrival

Changed my credits and gold back into good old American Dollars, then found me a nice apartment. First things first, right? I mean, I can't get my newest new life together, if I'm stuck living in a motel or rooftop or something. I also picked up a phone - I've been out of contact with everyone for so long. Posted on Lifeinvader about my new number: now to await some social life.

 DoA +4

So it's been a few days... And to stave off the boredom I'm going to fulfil my dream. The one I've had since seeing the movie Spider-Man - one I can only realise in Empire City. I'mma be a bike messenger! I mean, come on, if a bike messenger can smack Spidey around, I want in on that.


I passed the interview! Which shouldn't be too surprising, as I'm great at riding a bike. It's just like... Well, you know what it's just like.



This Cole guy asked me to switch routes with him, so I figured 'alright'. I'm the new guy and want to make new friends BECAUSE THE OLD ONES IGNORE MY LIFEINVADER STATUS UPDATES. So I went a different way than yesterday - not as upmarket but not bad. Oh, and there was some sort of explosion in my old route. I wonder how Cole got on...


Cole wasn't at work today and didn't call in sick. I wonder if he was one of the ton of people killed in that explosion? I mean, it sounds likely, given it was on the route he was on and the fact a ton of people were vaporized instantly, along with buildings. But, he seemed like a nice guy.


I rewatched Spider-Man today... I must have missed the part where Green Goblin injures Spidey and he just says it was a bike messenger... So, colour my face red! At least you won't laugh at me, Diary.



Apparently some guy has super powers. Like, some vigilante started throwing balls of electricity and cars at people, from what I've heard on the news. I didn't know super powers were real, if I'm honest. Maybe it's all magic, like they did in Kirkwall. That seems more believable, so I choose to believe that.


So I'm going down the street to the store - and the vigilante electrocutes a street musician right in front of me! I thought he was aiming at me, but then he just kept shocking the guy while he was dead on the street. And get this - it's Cole! I knew he liked me. Pretended he didn't remember me, by not paying any attention to me, then jumped onto the phone cables and grinded them like he was Sonic the Hedgehog! It was pretty cool.



Turns out that Cole isn't the only one with powers... There are gangs and psychos with them too. I know I'm best buds with him, but I've got to duck out of town. Cars flying everywhere - street cars, not flying ones - balconies being brought down across the city - it's only a matter of time before I get a fatal blow to the back of the head. Or the top of it. Look, my dream job blows while there is outright super-powered gang warfare going on in the streets I cycle upon. I'm heading across the coast, I hear Steelport really has its act together now...

diary 23

Diary of an NPC
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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