Can Gamers Be Prone to Addictive Behaviour?
Gaming refers to the activity of playing videogames or other forms of interactive entertainment. On the other hand, gambling is the act of betting or wagering on an event with an uncertain outcome, with the intent of winning money or goods.
But does this mean that gamers can’t become addicted to their games and develop a gaming disorder?
The Difference Between Gaming and Gambling
Gaming can include playing on a computer, console, or mobile device, as well as playing board games or other forms of non-electronic games. Gaming is typically considered a form of leisure and can be enjoyed by anyone. It is often done for fun, and it does not typically involve the exchange of money or other forms of compensation.
Gambling is when one places a bet on an uncertain event or playing online casino games in the hopes of winning more money or material possessions. This pastime is often associated with the idea of risking one’s money in the hopes of winning even larger amounts of money. It is typically regulated by governments and other regulatory bodies and can have negative consequences if not done responsibly.
Is This Difference Enough?
True, there’s a distinct difference between gaming and online gambling, because unlike the latter, gamers who play games on their console or computer don’t need to deposit money or risk losing their own funds.
But does this mean that gamers can’t become addicted to their games and develop a gaming disorder?
So, Can Gamers Become Addicts?
Yes, gamers can be prone to addictive behaviour. Videogame addiction is a recognized condition and is characterized by excessive or compulsive use of videogames, leading to negative consequences in other areas of life.
What Exactly is a Gaming Disorder?
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines "gaming disorder" as a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behaviour (‘digital gaming’ or ‘video-gaming’), which may be online or land based.
Signs to Look Out for in a Gaming Addict
- Preoccupation with playing videogames: constantly thinking about playing their favourite game and may even have difficulty focusing on other tasks or activities.
- Neglecting other areas of life: responsibilities such as school, work, or relationships in favour of playing videogames.
- Lack of self-control: difficulty stopping or controlling their gaming behaviour, even when it is causing problems in their life.
- Continuing to play despite consequences: such as poor academic or work performance, or strained relationships.
- Withdrawal symptoms: irritability, anxiety, or depression when they are unable to play or when they are away from their games.
- Tolerance: victim may require increasing amounts of time or money spent on gaming to achieve the desired level of excitement or satisfaction.
- Lying about gaming habits: the amount of time and money spent on playing is hidden.
Are there Resources for Gaming Addicts?
There are resources and help available for individuals struggling with gaming addiction. Treatment options for gaming addiction can include a combination of therapy, counselling, and support groups.
One of the most effective forms of treatment is cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) which is a type of talk therapy that can help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours related to their gaming addiction. This therapy can help individuals develop coping mechanisms to manage cravings and triggers and to set realistic goals for their recovery.
Other forms of therapy that can help include family therapy, where the focus is on improving communication and relationships between the individual and their loved ones, as well as addressing any family dynamics that may be contributing to the addiction.
Online support groups and forums can also be a helpful resource for individuals seeking support and understanding from others who are going through similar experiences.
In addition, some rehabilitation centres offer inpatient and outpatient programs specifically for gaming addiction, where individuals can receive treatment and support in a dedicated and controlled environment.