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Blizzard Announce The Upcoming Expansion For World of Warcraft

Blizzard Announce The Upcoming Expansion For World of Warcraft

Blizzard have announced their upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, titled "Mists of Pandaria".

The new playable race, much to everyones (non)-suprise is often previously joked about "Pandaren", bringing with it a new class of Monk.

With this new culture brings a new area of Azeroth to discover.

Keep your eyes peeled for details as they are announced.

Steven John Dawson

Steven John Dawson

Staff Writer

When not getting knee deep in lines of code behind the scenes, you'll find him shaving milliseconds off lap times in Forza.

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Kaostic - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

This makes me want to play WoW again god dammit. Even though the name is freaking retarded.

steve.arnold.33 - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Pandas, really???? [SIZE="4"]REALLY?????????????????[/SIZE]

Angelfromabove - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

I saw it and was like what the flaming **** are you playing at Blizz...then I read more f the new features, looked at the new talent specs and realised that this expansion is looking to make the game a lot more fun, something that has been missing for a while. The things people are complaining about (Panda's, battle pets) are things that are optional really. I hated the pandas to begin with but the more I see, the more im warming too them.

Angelfromabove - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Pandaring to the crowd? They may be endanger of losing quite a few people when TOR comes out if this is their big update. Actually OT, I saw people saying in the comments on the yootoobs saying the pandas are actually quite a standard part of Warcraft lore? From like, Warcraft 3 I think it was said? So this shouldn't actually cause that much of an outrage, right? I mean it's not like people have been playing the game as bipedal cows or anything.

Aye the Pandaren were in Warcraft 3, on the Horde side I believe. Makes me laugh really from the people that are in complete uproar about them especially when you consider that we have: Cow People Fish People Trolls Dwarfs Gnomes Space Goats Goblins MANNNNNNNY other different talking things and Pandas are a little too far? lol I wasnt a huge fan to begin with, believed their general look was a little too 'Disney Pixar' to fit in, but Im getting more fond of them.

icaruschips - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Question (I've played WoW for about a week overall and skipped all dialogue and cut-scenes, and I've never played older Warcraft games so I literally no nowt): Is Horde actually evil? As in like, clear definition evil like Rebels/Empire? Or are they just two different good sides fighting for different goals? Just seems a bit odd to have giant cows and pandas on the evil side, hell, from the few quest texts I've read the Orcs and trolls don't even seem like a bad bunch of fellows.

Angelfromabove - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Question (I've played WoW for about a week overall and skipped all dialogue and cut-scenes, and I've never played older Warcraft games so I literally no nowt): Is Horde actually evil? As in like, clear definition evil like Rebels/Empire? Or are they just two different good sides fighting for different goals? Just seems a bit odd to have giant cows and pandas on the evil side, hell, from the few quest texts I've read the Orcs and trolls don't even seem like a bad bunch of fellows.

Nope, Neither one is evil. Fan boys of either side will read way more into the lore than they should and try to convince you otherwise but each side is just as dark as each other in their own ways, both have done really bad things to the opposite side same as both sides have done really great things :)

icaruschips - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Pandaring to the crowd? They may be endanger of losing quite a few people when TOR comes out if this is their big update. Actually OT, I saw people saying in the comments on the yootoobs saying the pandas are actually quite a standard part of Warcraft lore? From like, Warcraft 3 I think it was said? So this shouldn't actually cause that much of an outrage, right? I mean it's not like people have been playing the game as bipedal cows or anything.

icaruschips - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Aye that's what I thought, just wasn't sure and given their factions name I'd just assume if either, 'Horde' was the evil side.

Angelfromabove - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

Yep, the over all aethetics and looks of the races made me assume they were the evil side too when I first started playing!

Maggy-1428100759 - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016


Angelfromabove - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

BAHHHH Alliance Pussy! For The HORDE!

FoxyStoat - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

I are excited :D Also, anyone signed up for the 12 month Diablo 3? It's a win-win situation AND mount ingame! :D

MagnusLensherr-1428101376 - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

yay panda's! why do i feel like alot of people will suddenly name their panda character "kungfupanda" or "po" ..? xD [unless its now ok to have two-letter names]

Kaostic - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

yay panda's! why do i feel like alot of people will suddenly name their panda character "kungfupanda" or "po" ..? xD [unless its now ok to have two-letter names]

People have probably already got that name on a level 1 just to save it now.

Wedgeh - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

People have probably already got that name on a level 1 just to save it now.

Cough, dunno what you mean :rolleyes:

Angelfromabove - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

ahahahahaha im sure you have no idea what he means love

MagnusLensherr-1428101376 - 03:02pm, 18th July 2016

People have probably already got that name on a level 1 just to save it now.

hahha for sure xD
