Awesome Animals in Games
Animals play a big part in the lives of many people. Our faithful companions stick by us through thick and thin, providing a listening ear and a comfort in those tough times. Our favourite heroes and heroines in games often also understand the need for a furry friend to accompany them on their adventure. In fact sometimes the heroes and heroines are the cute cuddly animals, and this article pays homage to some of the most beloved and memorable.
Dog - Dragon Age: Origins
I had to start with my personal favourite. Dog (renamable) is an honourable, ever-faithful mabari hound and an optional (but who would choose to be without him?) companion for the warden in Dragon Age: Origins. If you are a human noble, Dog is an adorable part of your origins story, and with any other origin he is obtainable in the stronghold of Ostagar (or in the Return to Ostagar DLC).
Throughout the game he is an awesome character; kicking darkspawn butt, cleaning up the aftermath, finding little trinkets and adding extra little heart tugs in an already fantastically emotive plot. This loyal war dog is an unforgettable companion and thoroughly deserves his place on this list.
Crow - The Longest Journey/Dreamfall
Crow, named so by April after her childhood hero, Crowboy, is a sarcastic, smooth-talking bird who chooses to accompany the ‘shifter’ (she can shift between worlds) after she helps save him from an unpleasant fate involving elgwan dung. His realistic outlook on things make for some classic lines throughout both the games he features in and have caused him to become a fan favourite from this cult classic series. There is no doubt that in a group of extraordinarily well-written and strong characters, he is one of the best of the bunch and many excitedly await his return in Dreamfall Chapters next year.
Chocobo - Final Fantasy series
The chocobo is probably the most renowned and beloved animal in all the Final Fantasy series. The cheerful yellow ostrich-like bird appeared for the first time in Final Fantasy II and has been in almost all subsequent games. It’s practically impossible to look at their adorable feathered faces and not have your heart melt. Needless to say, their appearance in Final Fantasy games is practically compulsory and thus easily earn their spot on this list.
Dogmeat - Fallout 3
In a world where everything has been obliterated by nuclear weapons, and there is little beauty or companionship to be found, coming across a loyal dog to keep you company certainly takes the edge off. Dogmeat is just the solution to soothe your lonely heart and helping take out the bad guys littering the bleak wasteland is just another bonus on top!
Barbas - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Barbas is probably the most annoying companion to make this list, but does so because of some rather nice perks that come along with his company. You are sent on a quest to find him, which turns out to be a lot more complicated that just returning him to his gruff blacksmith owner. Ultimately, if you don’t hand in the quest that he is involved with, you get a free, ridiculously handy tank to help you on your adventures. The best part though, is that because he’s part of a questline, he can’t die. So sit back, relax and maybe shoot a couple of arrows at that frost troll Barbas is attacking, if you can be bothered; talk about a nice workaround.
Dog - Fable 2
The dog in Fable 2 is arguably the sweetest, most lovable animal in a game of all time. After rescuing him from some bullies, the cute pup silently pledges his allegiance to you, and never leaves your side. Albion is a scary place, but with your faithful friend by your side, it feels that little bit safer, that little bit less cold. He fights with you, helps you find treasure and warns you of impending doom; his appearance even changing as your actions affect your demeanour. *SPOILER* He is the only animal to ever make me cry, with his death alone being reason enough to choose the “Needs of the few” ending to the game. He was so popular with fans that Lionhead had to release a DLC pack to allow the player to retrieve him because an Albion without his wagging tail, is not an Albion worth living in.
Sonic and Tails - Sonic Franchise
This list would be a tad incomplete without everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog, Sonic, and his sidekick fox, Tails. The two go on many a whirlwind adventure together, on over a staggering 25 games! They are probably two of the most familiar characters in gaming, loved by children and adults for more than two decades, making them real game legends.
Companion Pets - World of Warcraft
There are a certain breed of collector in Azeroth, who with the inclusion of the Battle Pets System have gone a little crazy for well...pets. The Pokémon-esque feature has allowed fans of the collectible cuties in WoW to basically catch as many and as varied pets as they please. There are so many adorable companions, from mini goblin cupids, to wolpertingers and murlocs in top hats that dance, that it would be a serious misgiving to not include them all on this list. If, like me, you can’t get enough of these bad boys then you’ll agree they definitely deserve their place on this here list.
And that’s it folks! Thank you so much to all the people who contributed to this list with their personal favourites, so lets all go and give our furry friends some love...right miaow.