Apothecary's Mod of the Week
Banished players themselves. They know what most people feel that the game needs and they are not afraid to add it in themselves and get their hands dirty with a few lines of coding. Though, most likely hours of coding, truth be told.
They update frequently, and their newest update which for the latest beta build of Banished and is rather amusingly named “The Forge Awakens.”
Ah Banished, such a fantastic city building game,with on-point survival elements, a manageable system and detailed gameplay. Recently I have been asking myself, what if I wanted to rebuild lake town? Meet some natives? Maybe rob a statue of a golden llama? Well, less so with the latter, but regardless a feature which is presented and offered by “Colonial Charter”.
One of my friends became aware of my desperate search for a large and expansive mod for Banished, so he pointed me towards Colonial Charter and from that moment on I was in love.
On their website you can also find that they display everything they have added. So you do not need to worry about getting lost! But I sure as hell will tell you as to why this mod looks and feels great and why it is my mod of the week. Here is another link to their wiki, should I have missed anything out be sure to check here for more information.
Firstly, it adds so much. It develops, expands and improves many of Banished’s already fantastic features such as the trading system. New traders are added through this mod as well as a fantastic new assortment of tradable goods. Gone are the days of extra farms in order to turn a profit, hello silk worms! Hello pearls! Diamonds! Gold! Jewels! Wealth, and only enough guns. It doesn’t add combat, mind you, guns are for trading and for building.This makes the economy much more enjoyable to tinker around with, as each of these new tradable items have requirements for that need, normally in the way of newly-added raw resources, such as iron ore or copper, but occasionally the new refined resources such as wooden planks.
Another thing to mention is the fact that they also add a simple one-press button to allow you to upgrade your buildings instantly, with the rather large handful of new houses such a feature is brilliant as you can simply expand a structure rather than having to constantly demolish it to make way for an improved or newer home. With the large assortment of new buildings you may find yourself swiftly overwhelmed, but fear not, a standard banished strategy should still work.
The improved building system allows for a much more free play-style, with new building tools allowing you to simply assimilate the terrain into your town rather than forcing you to build around it. More than once I have spread my town to the point where some of my villagers live atop the peak of a mountain while their neighbours live on a nearby lake.
The mechanics displayed by this mod are clearly well thought out, and just by using some of the new tools and the improved priority tool you can quickly see that the devs are
With new updates coming thick and fast, I truly believe that this mod has a great future ahead of it.
For all of those that wish to install this mod, here is a link which will teach you how to install and is also a link to the latest version.
Next week I will be discussing “Mount and Blade Warband: Prophesy of Pendor.”