Animal Crossing: New Leaf - The Diary of Mayor James #1
Hello there, my name is James and I've recently become the mayor of Blorgon - a sweet little town by the seaside inhabited by some interesting people. I wasn't supposed to be Mayor, I was just moving there, hadn't found a place yet so I thought I would walk around, find a spot and make it mine. Strangely, as soon as I walked off the train I was greeted by a whole bunch of people exclaiming "Welcome Mayor!" I didn't know what to do, I told them I was the wrong chap but that seemed to spur them on!
How'dya like my pad?
Anyway, to cut a long story short, as present day stands, I am living in a quaint home atop a cliff, that I wish to expand on once I've paid off my current loan. I spend my days fishing, digging for fossils, getting stung by bees and trying to make the most of this unforeseen position of power.
These are some extracts from my diary, for those who want to take the time to read it.
Day 4 - Sunday
It feels a little inhumane placing bugs and wildlife in my tiny pockets. Zebra Turkeyfish in the left, Butterflies in the right. Cicadas are ugly as sin, and I don't know why Reece, the owner of Re-Tail, buys them all off of me for so much. Maybe she's forming an army to swarm the town. She never does say much.
EUGH - Gross
Furthermore, what's with her husband, constantly asleep at his desk? Surely there's some sort of narcolepsy that he needs attention to, the poor fella. He could be working at night, like Reece says, but I just don't trust her.
Would you trust her?
It's a serious issue
Day 5 - Monday Morning
Not an awful lot going on in the town at the moment apart from the fountain that's under construction. 98,000 Bells. 98,000. I expect diamond-trim and crystal clear water from the hills of further Blorgon for that price. At least there's a fireworks display to look forward to on Sunday - not sure where the funding for that has come from; I'm certainly not paying for it.
Day 5 - Monday Evening
Not sure why everyone around here is so lazy. This evening, resident Fang asked me to deliver a package that resident Rowan had left at his house. Kindly, I performed said task but Rowan himself was standing a mere 100 yards away from Fang at the time. Let me remind you that Fang is a wolf, known for their physical prowess and inquisitive nature. I'm not sure what relationship Fang has with his tiger friend, and frankly I don't want to know, but it seemed plain silly not to walk the 100 or so yards to reach him. Mind you, I did get a T-shirt for my "bother".
Day 6 - Tuesday
I was having a pretty average conversation with my secretary Isabelle, this afternoon about the town and how it's progressing, until I mentioned problematic citizens. Of course, there's nobody causing a notable amount of stress to anyone else but Isabelle's response was disturbing. Nice to know she simply won't be able to cope if I talked about ousting someone from the town. A bit of crime or disturbance would probably liven this place up a bit.
She needs to grow a pair
Look out for more additions to Mayor James' diary in the future - exclusively on GameGrin.
Harrie - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016
This is great! Can't wait to read the rest of these :)
TGK - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016 Author
:D :D :D I've got so much written down already, really excited to share the rest :D
Kaostic - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016
I played Harrie's copy of Animal Crossing for five minutes before she tore it from my hands and wouldn't let me touch her precious village again. If I had a 3DS, I probably get this but alas. Exhibit A. [ATTACH]24013[/ATTACH]
TGK - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Ah-HA! I am no longer the only gentlemen who would play this :D
Kaostic - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016
Ah-HA! I am no longer the only gentlemen who would play this :D
Inb4gayjokeEmseypenguin - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016
Think Matt would love me a lot more if I got him this.