Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Island Rescue Day 2
The ongoing saga of bringing the Animal Crossing: New Horizon island that my kids created and quickly deforested back to life to get at least a three-star rating.
It was Sunday 21st November 2021 and I was back on kitty2021. Some of the saplings I had planted the day before were already growing bigger, which was nice to see. I made sure to water all the little trees I had planted, at least until my flimsy watering can broke. So this time I decided to stop being cheap and invest in a better can — especially since I had a ton of stuff that was going to need to be watered daily for the next week at least.
Since it was Sunday morning, Daisy Mae was on the island selling her turnips. The going rate to purchase turnips was 107 bells each; I wasn’t sure if this was a good price, so erring on the side of caution I only purchased 10 turnips, especially since I didn’t have a huge balance of bells to spend anyways.
After shopping with Daisy Mae, I headed to Town Hall to see what treasures got left behind in the recycling bin that I could sell for bells. However, luck was not on my side and there was nothing. But since I was there anyway, I went to talk to Isabelle for new feedback on what to improve on the island and check out the star rating. The island rating was still at two stars, but instead of telling me to plant more trees she suggested flowers.
I headed straight to Nook’s Cranny to purchase a bunch of flower seeds. I wasn’t sure how many I would need, but I got enough to plant flowers in front of every island resident's house and all the businesses. It’s a good thing I had spent the extra bells to get the elephant watering can, because it sure got a work out! After spending a good chunk of my bells on all the flowers I had to head off and help out my bank account.
Instead of only relying on bugs and shells, I decided to try something different. I put on my bathing suit and headed into the water to see what kind of sea life I would be able to catch. It didn’t take long to fill all the space in my inventory with a huge selection of creatures, like sea stars, octopuses, and sea cucumbers. I also met up with Pascal the red otter who has an affinity for scallops; I gave him the couple I had just caught, as I was sure it would end up paying off in the end. After the encounter I headed back to the museum to donate the new sea creatures I had found, any duplicates were sold to Timmy and Tommy.
After supper, I logged back on to visit the island one more time for the day. I thought maybe Isabelle had changed the island rating since I had so many flowers planted and followed all the suggestions given. The island ranking didn’t change, but the flower advice was now changed to plant more fruit trees. So once again I headed back to Nook’s Cranny to buy apples. Luckily I had a lot more bells at my disposal, so I bought 20 apples to plant around the island, not only to increase the island rating, but to make money from selling them later. After a ton of hole digging and watering, the island kitty2021 is starting to come back to life. Now I just have to keep up with all this watering, then hopefully we will have lots of fruit to pick.
Hope I planted enough apples! Guess we will see in the days ahead.