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The Steam Box

The Steam Box

The Steam Box has been a heavily rumoured concept since March 2012 after a misconception of a demo-model to demonstrate Steam's Big Picture service which allows gamers to connect…

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An MMO Tale

An MMO Tale

Let me share with you a short story: back when I was about 20 years old or so, a friend I used to see frequently played many a game with me. The old Jedi Knight games, Alien Vs…

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The Walking Dead: A Gateway Drug

The Walking Dead: A Gateway Drug

My girlfriend doesn't mind the fact that I have a mistress, because she knows my concubine can't touch me; well, apart from a soothing judder through my Dualshock. I've spent an…

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The GameGrin Christmas Poem

The GameGrin Christmas Poem

'Twas the night before Christmas, and on Live of XboxThe children were cursing, such language that shocks;The stockings were hung with great expectation,In hopes that soon would…

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IOS Strategy Roundup

IOS Strategy Roundup

I spend a lot of my time sitting in a train, around two hours on the average working day but sometimes more. It's the perfect time to get some gaming in on the old iPhone, but as…

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If It Was Real: Cheating

If It Was Real: Cheating

We live in a technical world. There’s no two ways about it (except if you’re Amish but that’s a whole other kettle of fish) and with an ever growing technical world,…

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