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12 Iconic Music Tracks In Games

12 Iconic Music Tracks In Games

Over the years, we’ve enjoyed all aspects of our passion. The visuals, the gameplay and also the music, which brings me onto the point of this piece, those iconic tracks that seem to transcend generations. Timeless tracks to which we can instantly identify what game it came from or, more accurately, what moment of the game that one piece entered our lives.

There are too many pieces that could be considered iconic to list and this collection should be taken as my own personal view on what I feel are pieces that fit the bill. Every player will have their own opinions on the music in games; some may agree with this list, some may disagree, but I hope everyone appreciates the tracks selected and sits back to reminisce about their own experiences.

Duke Nukem 3D

One of the grandaddies of the first person shooter genre, a stomping orgy of guitar riffs, thumping bass notes and fist-pumping, adrenaline-fueled rock to get you hyped for the king baby.


Metal Gear solid 2

This Harry Gregson-Williams arranged piece never fails to cover me in goosebumps. It’s and instantly recognisable, awe-inspiring piece that is one of my personal favourites. You just know that Solid Snake is ready to kick some ass when hearing this.


Diablo - Tristram

As soon as people hear the first chord or two of this harrowing piece, they know instantly that they’re heading into Diablo territory. Both dark and brooding, I cannot help but want to slay legions of demons and defend the innocent of Tristram upon hearing this.


Warcraft - Legends of Azeroth

What can be said about this piece, which is most recognisable as the main login music for World of Warcraft back in the days before expansions? Setting the tone for the tensions between the Horde and the Alliance, encountering the dangers of Azeroth and conquering raid encounters.

While many years have passed, a handful of expansions and new music introduced, this track still remains to this day as the fan favourite of many a player.


Silent Hill 2 - Promise (reprise)

What I affectionately coin as the plinky plonk track of Silent Hill 2, this eerie piano piece sends a shiver down the spine of any Silent Hill fan. Bringing back memories of Pyramid Head, James, Maria and the other characters you encounter during your time in Middlesboro… err… I mean Silent Hill.


Secret of Mana

One of my earliest encounters with Square and the RPG genre. Taking a different approach to the likes of Final Fantasy, this SNES title allowed multiple players to take control of the party characters. The opening track to this game still manages to flood my senses with the emotions I encountered playing this classic.


Battlefield 1942

These days, you’re either in the camp of Call of Duty or Battlefield. Each side will always say their game is better than the other, fling insults targeted at the gameplay, visuals, mechanics or just at each others’ mothers. Though there is one aspect that Call of Duty fails at significantly and that is an iconic soundtrack.

Battlefield has stuck with the same formula, albeit slightly remixed with every sequel, yet Call of Duty… it’s remarkably forgettable, so let us head back to where it all started, BF 1942.


Ghouls n’ Ghosts

Ohhh this game, this leech of my pocket money, this infuriating piece of genius! Ghouls n' Ghosts used to swallow my 10p pieces quicker than a world class prostitute. Back then I was that bad that this level music was etched into my very soul. I love the game, I love the music but I despise the hours of torment it gave me.



Everyone loves Zelda games, the RPG goodness that has been entertaining millions for many, many years. This one is pretty much guaranteed in anyones list.



Okay, Halo and I have history. I’ve never been a fan of the series and the game has remained mainly out of my sight so we’ve had a happy time avoiding each other. That being said, while I don’t get along with the game, I cannot deny that it has one of the most awe-inspiring introductions to a game I have ever heard.


Final Fantasy - Chocobo

There’s too many tracks from this franchise to choose from. Nobuo Uematsu is a fucking genius, however, instead of picking what many would choose first, I decided to pick the track that identifies everyone’s favourite companion from the games. The humble chocobo.


Street Fighter - Ryu

Rounding up this article is a personal favourite of mine. Yes, I can hear the screams now, I am a “Shoto Scrub” but throughout the franchise I’ve always been a Ryu player and I wouldn’t feel right completing this piece without his stage music.


So there we have it, a number of tracks through the ages that I hope you enjoy and it brings back many great memories. It’s an interesting road ahead of us with the imminent launch of the next generation of consoles and their planned titles, so I’m looking forward to hearing what the composers around the world are preparing to release into our ears in the future.

Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington

Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington

Staff Writer

A purveyor of strange alcoholic mixes and a penchant for blowing shit up in games. Proud member of the glorious PC master race.

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