10 Things Not To Do in Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 is one of the biggest online FPS titles available at this current time, as you may very well know. You also might know that it recently became Free-to-Play (FTP) - a very ballsy move by Valve if I do say so myself. Personally, I have mixed opinions on this whole FTP business but that’s not what I am here to blog about. Due to the FTP, there have been a surge of “noobs” and/or new players (you may say they are the same thing but in my opinion, not entirely) and for this reason I am making a blog on: 10 things you need to stop doing in TF2!
1. As a Medic, only healing the Heavies
It’s just illogical. I have found myself running around a Medic whilst on low health, spamming my “E” button; only to have him stare blankly through me, as if I was his ex-girlfriend outside the window of a restaurant. There are other classes on the game too you know; maybe you should consider healing others! Worst case scenario, I have been set alight and am slowly sizzling next to you, and you look and me and run off.
2. As an Engineer, building bad teleporters
So, I have just run out of the spawn and I see a teleport. Eagerly I jump into it thinking it will give me a tactical advantage on my opponents. Alas, it has teleported me facing a wall some 100m from the enemy. Why would you even think this was a good idea? I mean, the textures are lovely in TF2, but I can admire them when I am not trying to cause destruction!
3. If you are being “ubered”, do not run in the opposite direction
Again, this is just simple logic coming into play. If I am playing as a Medic and have saved up my “uber-charge” so that you are able to run in there and go to town on the other team’s behinds, I don’t expect you to make a 3-point-turn and leg it for cover when you’re invulnerable. Who do you think you are, the French?
4. Medic spamming
I previously mentioned about “bad Medics,” well this sort of goes with that. If you feel you deserve healing then you have the god given right to hit your “E” key and ask for medical assistance. This doesn’t mean that you then must sit there spamming said button until you have both spammed the chat logs and made your teammates ears bleed. This is particularly annoying when your team doesn’t even have a Medic.
5. As an Engineer, building next to other Engineers
I would hope that this is just common sense really but it seems far too familiar these days. If you have two sentries, surely the logical thing to do is spread them out to get a wider range of fire but some people still can’t understand this and will plonk their sentry down right next to another one. This may help in certain situations (say choke points) but on the whole, not a good idea.
6. Stealing medical supplies
If you’re one of the privileged players who are being healed by the Medic then you’re pretty much set for health, no? Well, it seems not. If both you and your Medic are on low health and/or on fire, your Medic is surprisingly the one who needs the medpack, as you are (don’t know if you checked or not) being healed! Funnily enough, shortly after this occurrence, both of you die.
7. As a Pyro, not extinguishing teammates
This is either due to the fact that people don’t know the classes well enough (<cough>noobs</cough>) or just pure stupidity but the Pyro’s flamethrower has a secondary ability called Airblast. It’s a blast of air (surprisingly) that: reflects projectiles, pushes enemies back and PUTS OUT YOUR TEAMMATES! I have been in a game with 6 or 7 Pyro’s (don’t ask) and I’ll be running around on fire whilst they all run straight past me. Unbelievably frustrating.
8. As a Soldier, trying to achieve the unachievable
Yes, we are all aware that a Soldier can rocket-jump (some less than others) and that this helps you gain some form of “upper-hand” by jumping on top of buildings or onto cliffs etc. Sadly, this doesn’t help your team get an advantage when you spend the entire time trying to get into a nice camp spot, dying multiple times in the process, then either getting killed whilst up there instantly or by the time you have got up there, your team has moved onto the next capture point. Nice team-effort there guys!
9. Not completing objectives
This goes for every class; if the main objective of the gametype is to get as many points as possible, fine, but when you have to capture points or move the cart around, don’t just run past it to charge the enemy’s base for points; it defies the point of that gametype.
10. As a Pyro, not spy checking
This is one of the basics that need to be taken into account. It’s even one of the official tips! If you’re a Pyro, all you have to do is do a quick burst on the flames at somebody to check if they are a Spy or not. Fair enough if you’re in battle you may not have time to but if you’re just running around or guarding a point, it’s a must! If you do find a Spy, don’t just let them run off either. I see this too much. Toast that Spy!
This is just my Top 10 “Pet Peeves” from Team Fortress 2. Think I missed anything or got something to add, add it in a comment below!
Angelfromabove - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Good blog post Kris :D Im a complete noob at TF2 and am probably guilty of every single one of the things you listed! Woops...
Platinum - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Moar TF2!
Rasher - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I am sure we have video footage of Kris doing most of them from the game the other night :) nice blog kris