Resident Evil 5 Review
Review - 5th May 2009 | By Kyle NutlandThe latest game in the Resident Evil saga follows Chris Redfield as he travels to Africa on a mission to take out some bioweapons terrorists. Meeting up with his mission partner,…
The latest game in the Resident Evil saga follows Chris Redfield as he travels to Africa on a mission to take out some bioweapons terrorists. Meeting up with his mission partner,…
Let's start with the obvious stuff.
The Phantasy Star series is one I missed the first time it came around, so when Sega released them again years later on the Gameboy Advance I went right out and bought it and I…
GameOn were lucky enough to be able to recently attend a screening of cult film Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation.
That's right you read the title right!MM (the creators of Little Big Planet) are giving Sackboys away for free to those of you who live in the UK.You can find the necessary…
Following on from a preview of this game done by another reviewer, I got the opportunity to play the full game. Elven Legacy is a turn based strategy game that will continuously…
The original Xbox was a revolutionary console. It had the best online console multiplayer of it's time and had some fantastic games released throughout it's lifespan.…
First impressions are hard to change. A screenshot is enough to tell you about a game before you even play it, and from the very start Gobliiins 4 had encountered this…
November 1996. The original Broken Sword game, Shadow of the Templars was released on the PC and a month later on the Sony Playstation. It included beautiful hand drawn…
The Samurai Showdown games aren't a set of games that I have ever heard of. I checked out the facts online and found out they have been going for 15 years. The Samurai Showdown…
Okay, I will be the first to admit that when I first heard about the concept of Halo Wars being an Xbox 360 exclusive RTS game I was a little worried. This isn’t because…
The sequel to the 2008 film, Wanted, comes in the form of a video game. The game picks up roughly five hours after the movie ends where our hero – Wesley Gibson has just killed…
I have a confession to make and it's definitely not about the suspicious blood-like stain on the living room carpet. I really loved the original Spyro games. The early…
Read the review about the game "made to make the DS shine again" and how it does so...
This is a game I have been looking very much forward to since it was first announced. I heard it was going to be in the first person, but more of an adventure game than a…
So we have now been struck with another of the PGR series and we just have to ask ourselves, as with every sequel, can it be better than the last one? The problem with most…
The Sonic series on the next generation consoles really has not hit off, to say the least. The games have been slated time and time again by game reviewers saying that the games…
This is a seriously heavy strategy game. We have all played Command & Conquer, Rise of Nations et al, but compared to Europa Universalis 3, they are just for…
This is a seriously heavy strategy game. We have all played Command & Conquer, Rise of Nations et al, but compared to Europa Universalis 3, they are just for kids.
Stormrise is a Real Time Strategy game based in an apocalyptic future.