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What We're Playing: 16th–22nd September

What We're Playing: 16th–22nd September

PlayStation Plus Games for October 2024

PlayStation Plus Games for October 2024

Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part One

Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part One

The Pals Anime Lounge Podcast - Uma Musume: Pretty Derby

The Pals Anime Lounge Podcast - Uma Musume: Pretty Derby

The GrinCast Podcast 408 - Really Embracing The Death Aspect

The GrinCast Podcast 408 - Really Embracing The Death Aspect

Steam Top Releases in August 2024

Steam Top Releases in August 2024

GoobnBalloonsDX Review

GoobnBalloonsDX Review

Latest news, reviews, previews and articles

Storm Review

Storm Review

Gentle breeze, babbling brooks, thoughtful puzzling, and teeth-clenching frustration. These are the things that sum up my time with Storm, a 2D puzzle-platformer from Eko…

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Dark Matter Preview

Dark Matter Preview

It’s hard to think of a period in the entire history of the videogames industry when indie gaming has been as popular as it is today. Perhaps with the exception of the early…

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Dynasty Warriors 8 Review

Dynasty Warriors 8 Review

It’s all too fashionable to attack series like Call of Duty and FIFA for their repetition and lack of innovation between instalments. However, no developer has approached…

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Deus Ex: The Fall Review

Deus Ex: The Fall Review

When Deus Ex: The Fall was first announced, people were pissed. Expecting a next-gen sequel, people got an iOS game. I had my own reservations. Not because it wasn’t a ‘proper…

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Deadpool Review

Deadpool Review

Earlier this year I had the chance to preview the new Deadpool game and was lucky enough to get a hands-on playthrough of the first level. I remember thinking then that…

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An Obituary for Don Mattrick

An Obituary for Don Mattrick

Perhaps the most significant advantage that both Nintendo and Sony have held over Microsoft from a PR perspective in the past generation has been the fact that both companies have…

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The Power of Immersion

The Power of Immersion

After months of putting it off, I finally handed over my hard-earned cash to my local gaming store in exchange for a copy of Ubisoft's Far Cry 3 with the promise of many hours of…

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