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The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Review

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Review

Samurai Maiden Review

Samurai Maiden Review

MultiVersus Review

MultiVersus Review

Fanatical Build Your Own Bethesda Bundle - GOG Edition

Fanatical Build Your Own Bethesda Bundle - GOG Edition

The GrinCast Podcast 401 - No Wonder This Werewolf Is Killing People

The GrinCast Podcast 401 - No Wonder This Werewolf Is Killing People

House of Golf 2 Preview

House of Golf 2 Preview

Steam Top Releases in May 2024

Steam Top Releases in May 2024

Epic Games Store Weekly Free Game 27/06/2024

Epic Games Store Weekly Free Game 27/06/2024

The Pals Anime Lounge Podcast - Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You

The Pals Anime Lounge Podcast - Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You

What We're Playing: 17th–23rd June

What We're Playing: 17th–23rd June

Fanatical NSPCC Charity Bundle

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Latest news, reviews, previews and articles

Bejeweled 2 Deluxe

The first in what has now become a highly successful "casual" range by PopCap, Bejeweled is a straightforward puzzle game. That was nearly seven years ago, and since…

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Trackmania Nations Forever Review

Trackmania Nations Forever Review

Prior to mentioning anything else about the premise of this game, let me draw your attention to the fact this game is completely free. Trackmania Nations Forever, or TMNF for…

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Bookworm Adventures Deluxe

Unless you're in a deeply intoxicated state at a school reunion, cute and educational are words unlikely to make it into the same sentence. Bookworm Adventures however…

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Half-Life 10 Years on

Half-Life 10 Years on

It is hard to believe that Half Life was released almost 10 years ago. In the decade that has passed it has influenced countless games and even today its' impact is far reaching.…

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The Sony PSP

The Sony PSP

Almost all of you out there have at least heard of Sony and its PlayStation franchise, and many have heard of the Play Station Portable, more commonly known as the PSP. What you…

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Where Did the Line Go

Where Did the Line Go

I was sitting with a friend a couple of days ago, we were talking about the new game releases and how magnificent the technology of game making has advanced through the decades.…

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Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Not too long ago, a guy revealed in a forum how his mother had entered the room once while he was playing a PC game. She stood and watched for a while, then commented on the fact…

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