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Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Review

Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Review

Every year the footballing world waits with baited breath for the new season schedule. Fan’s looking to see when the big derby games are going to be played. Man United Vs City, Barcelona Vs Madrid, England Vs Germany and, of course, Pro Evolution Soccer Vs FIFA. For over a decade the fierce rivalry between the two major football games has raged, and this year Konami have tried to get an early goal by releasing PES 2017 weeks before EA’s FIFA. But will PES be able to hold this lead and go on to dominate its competitor?

Getting to the main screen you will notice PES 2017 has all the usual modes that are standard for modern football game's; campaign mode, Vs modes, tournament modes, online modes, make your own pro modes and … nothing much else. Nothing that really sets PES 2017 apart from FIFA, and definitely nothing you can point to as being a creative or new. With FIFA 17 rolling out ‘The Journey’ mode I was hoping for a little bit more in this department from Konami.

What Konami wants you to know however is that it has the UEFA license. What this means is that they are allowed to have the European cup competitions; the Champions League and Europa League. Konami want you to know this so much that instead of just having them as part of the normal campaign, they’ve made it a whole separate mode. Here you will choose your team and you can take them through the either of the cup competitions. But that seems to be as far as the money is stretching as PES 2017 only has a handful of licensed teams, and even fewer licensed leagues. This means that that instead of playing Man United Vs Man City you get the thrill of Man Red Vs Man Blue. Thankfully the teams are populated by real players, so Man Red does have the likes of Rooney, Ibrahimovic and Pogba. You can, through various means, go about changing the team names, and kits, to resemble their real world counterparts males this a minuscule problem, but does possibly say something about the amount of money Konami are willing to spend.


Modes do not make a football game, however. No, the most important aspect of any sports game is the actual game play. FIFA can have all the new modes it wants, but if it plays like crap then it’s all just money down the drain. Does PES 2017 makeup for it’s lack of game modes with its game play? No. No it does not. Konami boasts that PES 2017 “centres on the concept of ‘Control Reality’” which apparently translate to being slow, ponderous, dull and frustrating. Football is an often fast paced, frantic, exhilarating game, where a team can concede a goal 20 seconds after missing a penalty. This excitement is sorely missed in PES 2017, as athletes known for their speed and stamina trot around the pitch like it’s a sunday stroll in the park. An annoyance that becomes worse when a player gets the ball. Doesn’t matter if you find a player that can sprint off the ball, the moment their feet comes into contact with it their pace is drastically, and very jarringly, destroyed.

While it is true that, generally speaking, you run slower with the ball than without, the sudden slow down in PES 2017 is preposterous, can completely destroy all momentum and kill an attacking move. The effect isn’t so noticeable if you’re playing one of the licensed teams available, but God forbid you want to play as your favourite team in the second division, then the slowdown becomes painfully clear. If the likes of Messi and Bellarine play like they're walking through treacle with the ball, Jonjo Shelvey has no chance! This might be what Konami called ‘Real Touch’, if so then the word ‘Real’ has no place here.

treacle people 905

The only people at home in the world of PES2017

Along with Konami’s “Real” Touch comes their dedication to making sure the players resemble their real life versions. While this is true when looking at their models in the menu selection screens, this does not translate to the on the field graphics. On the pitch they more resemble subbuteo players than real players. The graphics on the pitch is that more reminiscent of a game at the beginning of last gen consoles, with the players all looking plastic (hence the subbuteo reference), a look further compounded during replays where Konami has added a baffling soft filter to the camera making everything look even less realistic.

On the subject of being plastic and subbuteo the way players move remind me more of a mannequin than a man. It’s not a big complaint but many of the player's movements are jerky, like they don’t have proper joints. This is most noticeable when the goalkeepers dive to make a save, here it just looks laughingly wrong. Not a big thing, but it can take you out of any realism you might be able to dig up from this game.

What PES 2017 has done well is the AI of the players off the ball. When you are able to get into an attacking position (helped a lot by pitting Barcelona against St. Yellows. Yes that’s a real name Konami named one of their teams.) you can often find a good amount of support in the box, actually making intelligent runs, that can lead to some pretty spectacular goals. It’s just a massive shame that creating these opportunities is such an agonising chore to muster up.


PES 2017’s biggest sin is that it takes the beautiful game that I love so much, sucks all and any excitement, fun and enjoyment from it, leaving a dry, dull husk. Fans of the series will probably defend it u saying “It’s more tactical!”, “You’re supposed to be doing rainbow flips up and down the pitch!”, but if you want a sports game that is slow, plodding, “tactical” with only fleeting moments of action and excitement play Madden!


Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (Reviewed on PlayStation 4)

The game is average, with an even mix of positives and negatives.

PES 2017 might be a giant leap for PES, but it’s a very little step for football games. Little to offer off the pitch and a joyless chore on the pitch. For hardened PES fans there’s probably enough to satisfy, but for the rest of us we look to FIFA with hope and trepidation. Don’t screw us on this one EA!

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
James Boote

James Boote

Staff Writer

This Boote was made for playing videogames.

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Woliver - 09:10pm, 4th October 2016

Are you fucking retarded? The game isn't too slow, I score goals and it's rewarding. You clearly don't know how to play the game you idiot. You're not even trying. This review is so stupid. I bet you love PES 2016 which was a shitty ass game. 

Bootus - 09:49pm, 4th October 2016 Author

Actually I didn't enjoy pes 2016.

mustafa-bile-1475616845 - 10:52pm, 4th October 2016

Wow can you believe this guy? He is complaining about the game being slow? Just like real football it takes time to build an attack and that bothers him. This must be the most unprofessional review i have ever come across. Only a person that really hates Pes would give this score. Many Fifa die hard fans that hate Pes would not sink so low to give Pes 2017 5.5 out of 10. Thanks for the way you replied to him.

Bootus - 11:12pm, 4th October 2016 Author

Football cna have full build up, however Konami has decided to artificially implements this through players being really slow, especially while on the ball, rather than it being anything to do with opposition, or the players, tactics. This to me just feels cheap and unrealistic.

mustafa-bile-1475616845 - 10:41pm, 4th October 2016

Are you serious? 5.5 out of 10? A game that is regarded as maybe the greatest football game ever? No disrespect but that is really and truly harsh. Have you given the game a chance? Have you faced the CPU and seen how clever the AI is? Have you noticed the player ID on ever player? 49 other reviewers on metacritic had this game on a solid 86 rating, thanks to your score now it fell down to 85. Its really sad that people judge Pes by the lack of licenses, every year i own both Pes and Fifa and the last 2 years Pes has been superior. All in all i firmly believe that everyone has their opinion but when you give this game a score so low it will be hard for people to take you serious.

Bootus - 11:15pm, 4th October 2016 Author

I did give the game a fair chance, experiencing all the modes it had to offer, including against the AI and against human players. I actually do give the AI props in the review for the intellgent runs that they make.

Personally I think a reviewer who bases his review around what he knows/thinks the developer, publisher or the audience wants them to say, following the metacritic crowd, is harder to take serious than someone who actually puts their opinion into their review.

Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 08:27am, 5th October 2016

Personally i disagree, the reason why i mentioned the Metacritic score was the fact that 49 other reviewers combined gave it a score of 86. That shows how solid the game is, next time you should consider letting your colleague who reviewed Pes 2016 last year do the review. He clearly knows football as he gave Pes 2016 a fair score of 8 out of 10.

Bootus - 08:52am, 5th October 2016 Author

Or it shows a towing of a consensus without actually applying person opinions. The only reason why you feel those are more valid than mine is that they conform to your own personal bias.

Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 09:12am, 5th October 2016

Well dear Sir, this will be my last comment. I have no intention of disrespecting you or your work. You had your say in this matter, and many people disagree. By the way say hello to Mr David Rutter and EA for me...just kidding haha

George - 07:19am, 5th October 2016

In my opinion this is a very unfair review. Ok i understand you have a "job" to do but 5.5/10? I agree pes 2017 is a bit slower, in comparison to pes 2016, but is still a high profile football game and gameplay is one of the best. Yes i agree with you with licences but who cares if the gameplay delivers? Personally i was a huge Fifa fan (even created a fifa room in my house), and was a huge move for me to buy PES 2016, it felt like i slept with another girl, but i did not regret it. This year i bought both fifa 17, and pes 2017. Both games are worst from their predecessors, but again pes feels much better than FIFA when playing a game. Maybe you have your "reasons" rating pes 2017 with a low score, but take in mind that people who read your review, also play the game...

Bootus - 08:55am, 5th October 2016 Author

I disagree with all of your points, however each to their own. I hope you are very pleased and enjoying your copy of pes 2017 :)

George - 09:46am, 5th October 2016

Of course you are. Hope EA does not let you down.

Acelister - 08:08am, 5th October 2016

It's hilarious that people commenting here think that a 5 means it's a bad game. It's above average.

MOEMUN - 08:36am, 5th October 2016

You are probably retarded man, or got a handsome check from EA to write this garbage. (Or maybe even both) I could understand if you simply said that you liked FIFA better, for whatever reason, or that you didn't enjoy PES as much (everyone is entitled to their opinion), but to maliciously attack the game, specially targeting it's mechanics and gameplay (which if you don't believe my humble opinion or that of all the other angry people in the comments, you are welcome to open any other gaming website and read the reviews of all the established critics about the game and about how impeccable the gameplay actually is), saying such a thing and from someone who is supposed to be a game critic by description only leads me to believe that you get paid to write your reviews, since you probably are not stupid to have got your job in the first place. I regret ever opening your website or reading any of your malicious nonsense, it won't happen again I assure you.

Acelister - 08:48am, 5th October 2016

Oh no, and you're such a sweet, kind and gentle person!

Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 08:51am, 5th October 2016

Moemun that was a nice comment, i agree with you 100 percent. I also came across another reviewer who gave the game a score of 5 out of 10. But even this guy said the gameplay of Pes 2017 was very good, he just felt that the licensing issue was a major let down to him. I disagree but its kind of fair from his point of view. But this guy right here is a class act, he has a major problem with Pes 2017 gameplay?? Well everyone is entitled to their opinion but we the public expect reviewers to be professional. I do not know if he has a motive, but all i can say is Pes is back and its here to stay on top wheter he likes it or not.

Acelister - 08:53am, 5th October 2016

The gameplay not being as expected is NOT a good reason to score it down, but the names on the teams... IS...? Okay...

Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 09:23am, 5th October 2016

You think i have not noticed you Acelister? Whats your take in this? You reply to everyone and hide your opinion. Or are you the usual Fifa lover who likes to get bended?? Hush little boy when men are discussing!

Acelister - 09:26am, 5th October 2016

Luckily for me I don't give a wet fart about football, either real or digital, so this is completely hilarious to me. People losing their minds because their "home team" is being "dissed"... Wow.

Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 09:35am, 5th October 2016

Now i see, so you dont like football and thats cool. You know whats hilarious? Why are you even on this site checking out this review then? And by the way there is no home team being dissed as i own both Pes 2017 and Fifa 17. And luckily im not losing my mind over this, football fans are really passionate about football in all kinds of sorts specially games.

Acelister - 09:39am, 5th October 2016

I regularly comment on many different reviews and articles on this site. I try to read up even about games I'm not intimately interested in.

> Or are you the usual Fifa lover who likes to get bended??

That doesn't sound like someone who has no stakes in the "PES vs FIFA" fight.

Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 09:44am, 5th October 2016

I regularly comment on many different reviews and articles on this site. I try to read up even about games I'm not intimately interested in.....

Hahahah thanks for confirming you dont have a life! And yes i support both games as i remember Fifa at its prime days, i hope it comes back to form one day. 

Acelister - 09:56am, 5th October 2016

> Hahahah thanks for confirming you dont have a life! 


Mustafa Bile
Mustafa Bile - 09:58am, 5th October 2016

Dude lets both agree we both had a laugh hahahah bye

Bootus - 11:16am, 5th October 2016 Author

Thanks for your comments, genuinely, now go forth and enjoy pes and fifa :p

Bootus - 09:00am, 5th October 2016 Author

A difference of opinion is not a melicious attack on anything. If you disagree, fair enough, go enjoy pes 2017, however I think you will find calling someone "probably retarded" is much closer to being a "melicious attack" than criticising a games mechanics.

MOEMUN - 11:48am, 5th October 2016

Retarded was a bit too far, I apologize for that. You are just doing your job and I got carried away in disagreeing. Even so, that doesn't change the fact that you are wildly mistaken, either due to dishonest motives or due to inconceivable incompetence in doing your job.

Bootus - 01:34pm, 5th October 2016 Author

I appreciate the apologies, thank you. Though I am curious, you haven't made any specific points you think i've lied about or horribly mistaken about. What is it you disagree with so strongly?

MOEMUN - 02:31pm, 5th October 2016

What I disagree with so strongly is that your attack on the gameplay is totally unwarranted. The speed with which you can move the ball between players or across the pitch is actually very fast, faster than its predecessor and faster than FIFA (try building the same attack, even in training, in both games and see how long it takes you to get the ball across the pitch for an objective proof of that), and the player responsiveness whether on the ball or off the ball is actually one of the best in the genre (you can test and compare yourself or survey people to confirm that), and that scales across players of all pedigree in the game, from Bale to even Jonjo Shelvy. If you get a player in your team to be a passer or dribbler he will be better than the others around him in his same level, no matter which league you're playing. (The difference in the off the ball and on the ball speeds is also affected by the player's dribbling and control, which is realistic, while the really good players can still past their man, given that they are sufficiently better than them, just try playing with M.Salah from Roma. The game physics and mechanics, including player movements, how they control the ball and even collisions are the best we've seen so far in a football game (try having FIFA and PES running beside each other while watching from far away, without playing, and see which one feels more like a real life game of football). If you disagree with any of the points I've been making, or feel that I and other commenters are being unfair to you, you are welcome to read what other reliable critics think about these points, or survey all of them to get a sense of the community thinks about these issues. (And the license issue that is such a huge crime could actually be fixed with a simple copy of a file, though I understand if you don't want to do that) Your review which is in total contrast to how the game actually is, based on my own experience and based on the experineces of other players of the game, whether in these comments or elsewhere, and based on the experiences of the vast majority of respectable game critics that people go to and trust to review games in general and not just football games, is what leads me to believe that your words, which are a total opposite to what the reality actually is, are due to illintent and targeted malice, keeping in mind that it is fairly common for publishers to pay reviewers to tip the scales in there favour, especially big ones like EA, as that's one of the best forms of advertisement and revenue gaining tactics. And that's why I disagree with you so severely, and why I now don't trust either the site or yourself as a reliable source of info on games, whether that unreliability being due to dishonesty or incompetence.

Bootus - 03:46pm, 5th October 2016 Author

I get accused of taking bribes yet you're the one parrotting the press release Konami sent with the game like a champ!

Though I do find it interesting that you think that I'm the one being bribed by EA, yet those reviewers from the bigger sites, the sites that are more influencial and send their journalist away to publisher sponsered events where they have travel paid for (sometimes in helecoptors!), accomadated in swanky hotels paid for by the publisher, sat down in comfort in front of massive TV's to play the game. Or is it not so much that the other reviewers are more "reliable" but that they just adequetly echo your own opinions? 

As for incompetency, the game you are describing and the game are played are vastly different. I have played both PES 2017 and FIFA 17 one after the other (unfortunately not side by side as EA hasn't sent me a second PS4 or 42" flat screen yet), I have played the full specrum of modes on PES and played them with a wide variety of different teams, however, I have been unlucky not to experience the game as you have.

The review presented isn't an attack on the game, it is an accurate portrayal of my time with PES 2017. If you disagree and enjoy this game more than I do then I am happy for you and wish you all the best in your PES gaming!

MOEMUN - 02:00pm, 7th October 2016

It's not out right bribery, it's usually done in a more subtle way as gifts or trips or whatever. And I'm not singling out you or anyone else for this, you'll find that most sites, even the bigger more influential ones do this, and of course the bigger the site the bigger the "favours" given. And it's not just EA, I'm sure Konami does the exact same thing , it's what companies do, it's just that EA has that much more pull that it's message is the one the gets across. That's why I suggested you take a survey of all the different gaming sites, because even if they can tip the scales, they can't turn a turd into a masterpiece, no matter how much money they splash. I could understand if you said "these are the games good points and these are it's bad points, but regardless of how it stacks I didn't enjoy it myself". But to say things about the game that are different to how the game actually is not an expression of your opinion but spreading of information that is not correct. And the defence that it's just "my time with the game" and not the game itself doesnt hold up for me either, because when people log on to your review they expect to find an accurate assessment of the game you are professionally reviewing, if it was just your opinion without expecting objectivity in what's written then you should have posted it to Facebook or your Twitter account. The attack on the gameplay is what hit a red flag for me that something is not right, because it's different to what the vest majority of reasonable people think about it (even the people who say the game is bad don't attack it for its gameplay but pin it for other things) Anyways, it's just a game in the end and not a reason to get all riled up upon, it's not like someone got shot. (I honestly don't know how I took all the time to sit and write all this) I hope you understand that I'm not trying to attack you personally, and I hope your heart is in a good place and that maybe this discussion could lead you to look for more information that maybe could lead you to see things differently. Have a good week.

Bootus - 03:22pm, 7th October 2016 Author

By "my time with the game" I mean what I wrote about is how the game played. If the game play feels slow I am going to review it as being slow. To say any different would be to lie, as such I put this down as a negative for the game. Whilet I didn't put into headings I made the point, then explained why I thought it was a negative or a positive. Some people will agree that this is a negative,some will disagree. If you disagree then obviously you enjoy that level of speed, that doesn't make either of us is wrong, just enjoy our football games differently. Don't worry, I do not take any of this personally.

Woliver - 01:23pm, 8th October 2016

You do realize you can change the speed of the game, right? That's why it's there. But then again there are probably other things you don't know about, you clearly don't know what double tapping R1 does, and probably don't realize how effective the skills from high class players are compared to other players in the field, but then again you clearly have no time to learn how to play the game properly. 

Bootus - 02:01pm, 8th October 2016 Author

Yes, I do know about and have played around with both of these aspects of the game however the points still remain. But then again you're obviously too busy with your righteous indignation to consider that possibility.

Hamiltonious - 09:45am, 5th October 2016

Isn't this just a friendly space full of respectful debate?

Look, I buy FIFA every year and despite it often getting medocre reviews and people telling me it isn't as good as PES, I don't spend my time finding bad reviews and so I can crap on the author, or looking to get into flame wars on the internet. I (and this may shock you) play the game I enjoy.

People call for more author opinion and for them not to just give games 8/10 all the time but as soon as someone does there's hell to pay.

Platinum - 10:00am, 5th October 2016

Wow if this review is getting you guys so wound up you need to call others retarded then you have issues.

If you don’t agree great the world would be a dull place if we all thought the same :)

Constrictive criticism is great, personal attacks is not.

Can’t we all act like adults? :)

Occulum - 05:48pm, 5th October 2016

People mad at the score, chill. It doesn't make the game any better or worse; it's meaningless to care about numbers without context. Only consider the opinions of reviewers whose knowledge and judgement you trust. Best of all, try the game yourself before buying and make your own opinion.

Always done it this way, and never once had that ever failed me. This year's has been one of the easiest years choice-wise, and EA is not getting my money. Better luck next time!

Alan G
Alan G - 11:26am, 11th October 2016

This is genuinely one of the worst reviews I have ever read! To give this game ANYTHING under 7 shows you have no concept of what makes a great football game. Everyone has lauded its gameplay apart from yourself it seems. 

Ignore this review, please. PES 2017 has the best gameplay ever in a football game, but you must understand football to appreciate it. 

Bootus - 12:16pm, 11th October 2016 Author

I do apologies that I have not blindly followed the crowd or regurgitated the Konami press release. I also apologies for not simply parroting your opinions. The enjoyment of pes has nothing to do with how much you "understand " football. It's down to if you enjoy your football game on the slow side, where you will be given the time to plan your next move. Or if you want a faster paced, more realistic football game play fifa!

TGK - 05:51pm, 11th October 2016

Crikey these comments are impressive. The score itself probably feels a little low to me but I know someone that said the same about the gameplay being too slow but I personally have to disagree. FIFA has the glitz, glam and sparkling aesthetic but when you strip all that back and focus on the gameplay, it really is a brilliant football game (in my opinion, of course, which is what some people need to be reminded of here - reviews being opinion and all).

Bootus - 06:02pm, 11th October 2016 Author

I love you.

Dombalurina - 08:58pm, 11th October 2016

I guess the analogy I'd use is do you want the German style of pass slowly and win 1-0 or the Spanish style of go all out with speed and win 4-2? When it comes to games, I see no reason to go slow

Bootus - 09:48pm, 11th October 2016 Author

You are now my favourite.

Bootus - 09:50pm, 11th October 2016 Author

Let me know if you want to get in on the sweet EA money.

Simon - 06:16am, 14th October 2016

Have to agree 100% with the OP here. Everything he says about the game play is spot on. I can only imagine people saying they can score from anywhere and the speed isn't an issue are playing on the lower levels. On anything above professional this game becomes horrid. Been trying desperately not to throw my controller at the TV in frustration. Speed and acceleration have become meaningless numbers in this game. Players with 20 points more get easily closed down within 5 yards. Now let's talk about the ref, seems he has no concept of what a foul is. Coming together often get given as a foul, and jumping kung-fu kicks don't even seem to warrent a 2nd glance! Finally there is the airport, generally pretty good until it does random things such as diving headers when the ball is a foot off the ground rather than cracking in a volley, make players run away from the ball even if they are the closest and will easily get there first, and my favourite the goal keeper that falls over when clearing (already have 4 of these after 10 games in the master league). It's a shame as there is so much potential there, unfortunately bad refs, no speed and the weird ai decisions make this not necessarily the worst, but certainly the most frustrating PES I have played in a long time.

Bootus - 03:46pm, 14th October 2016 Author

Finally,someone sane! Was beginning to think gamegrin published to an alternate, backwards universe or something!

Simon - 04:27pm, 14th October 2016

Honestly I feel these reviewers just but in a couple of hours at best and then on lower levels. I will be honest, after half a dozen games on the demo I had this as the savior of football games. I thought it was amazing. Then half way through my Master League campaign I have had to stop. I love football games and I have been a PES man for years, but as a solo experience on the harder difficulties I can't do this anymore and keep my sanity, honestly I will be trading it this weekend, I would rather have fun than the stress.

TGK - 08:20pm, 23rd January 2017

lol wtf this is shit mate

KT08 - 05:59pm, 12th February 2017

Honestly, it wasn't slow, but to be true, the game is fucking stupid. You can have Messi or Bale with 90+ Speed and Explosive something stat and can't chase ball against one P. Jones or Matic. Can you believe it? Jones and Matic are like 80- Speed and Explosive stat. I lofted-passed from my side to the other side and Jones ran from the upper mid-wing down chasing the ball against Messi and he literally took the ball without a sweat. And have you ever seen those kind of "Real" when AI ran like 90-degree body and still have full speed? Not full speed, honestly, Barry Allen aka The Flash's master, bitches. I encounter it every single time. And have you ever tried the AI system? It's stupidly OP. The only way I can win it is Counter Attack and Heading. There is no way for me to play Possession game versus those AI. You can't even execute techniques or skills to get pass them because they have 1 over milli-second reaction, once you input something, the AI counter your actions, and it's stupid. It's like you playing again GODLIKE mode. Those who don't agree with me, try and see. Playing with other people are fine, they are handicapped too. But playing against AI, AI Rooney can outrun my Bellerin and Walcott can't outrun Jones. What the fuck is that? I know it's scripting.

Tony - 09:36am, 25th January 2018

This is the best football game ever made, I comment only now as I got shocked how bad are fifa 18 and pes 18. Wanted to see a negative review of pes 17 to why critics think is bad. U obviously don't have the skill to understand all game's mechanics. For the spreed of player not to drop significantly when receiving the ball you need to trap it. It is not like fifa receive pass and go. It's more difficult as u need to right timing of the trap. Anyway for your knowledge I have 2800 ges of pes 17. Around 500 of pes 18 and around 200 of fifa 18. The only major flow of pes 17 was the height Ponder which made it easy for tall peters to score headers.

Bootus - 11:08am, 25th January 2018 Author

I agree FIFA 18 is terrible. Still better than PES17 ;)

Dombalurina - 12:35pm, 25th January 2018

Tall Peters sounds like some kind of weird insult from Digitiser.

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