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New Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Trailer Part 1

We may not be seeing Rocksteady's new Batman: Arkham Knight till June 2nd 2015, but at least for now Rocksteady is still wetting our appetite with some new gameplay footage.

In the first part of the video series, you'll get to see Batman infiltrate Ace Chemicals as we'll as some footage of the Batmobile's abilities and of Batman's new abilities. It's all exciting and just looks just as amazing as the previous Rocksteady Batman titles.

batman arkham knight 8

Rocksteady promises two more gameplay videos soon, with the second being available December 1st, and the final video being shown at Sony's PlayStation Experience on December 6th.

Batman: Arkham Knight releases June 2nd, 2015, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Calum Parry

Calum Parry

Staff Writer

A bearded fellow whom spends most days gaming and looking at tech he can never afford. Has a keen eye for news and owns a dog that's a bear.

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Hamiltonious - 01:59pm, 26th November 2014

There must be something clinically wrong with me - try as I might I just can't find the Arkham games fun.

The Griddler
The Griddler - 02:07pm, 26th November 2014

I would've preferred an unedited gameplay video to these shorter, edited clips. Still, can't wait for this game.

Acelister - 02:08pm, 26th November 2014

Did you like Streets of Rage? If not, then I can see why.

Hamiltonious - 02:15pm, 26th November 2014

This is the thing! I loved Streets of Rage, and I love Shadow of Mordor - which is essentially the same as Arkham City - yet just can't get into the Batman games.

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