Why You Shouldn't Expect Team Fortress 3 Anytime Soon
It's no secret that the Team Fortress series has been a massive success. In recent years, Team Fortress 2 has evolved from being a basic multiple-class shooter, to a complex free-to-play game with more accessories than a fashion student. With many pondering as to when or even whether the next game in the series will be released, I take a look at why you shouldn’t expect a sequel for Team Fortress 2 anytime soon.
Few will be aware of the original Team Fortress game due to the huge success of the second game and to be honest, I had to look a few bits up myself. Released back in 1999, Team Fortress Classic was based on a mod from one of Quake's multiplayer modes, Team Fortress. Due to its huge success, the mod's developers (Robin Walker and John Cook) wanted to create a standalone game called Team Fortress 2. Valve cut straight to the chase and hired the original team to make the mod into a port of their game, Half Life, using the Goldsrc engine. In April 1999, Team Fortress Classic was released and became the first game to use that same original Half Life engine.
There are plenty of similarities in both Team Fortress Classic and the later Team Fortress 2. Two teams, red vs. blue and the same character classes were present in TFC and in TF2, with each restricted to specific weapon sets and a mix of each individual class key to team success. Unsurprisingly, you wouldn't recognise the looks of the characters from Classic to present day TF2, weapons included. The Soldier could originally wield nail bombs, Scouts shot nail guns and dropped caltrops to slow enemies down and the Spy could do the same with a tranquiliser gun. There were a limited amount of game modes including your usual Team Deathmatch and Control Point modes but one unusual Hunted mode. One human-controlled player would play as the low-health, poorly equipped VIP Civilian class with the ally team trying to protect the VIP as either Soldier, Heavy or Medic class whilst escorting them to the control point. The enemy team's goal was of course attempting to assassinate the VIP, solely using the Sniper Class.
The general game mechanics have clearly been moved into the global success of Team Fortress 2 apart from the aforementioned Hunted mode but it's no doubt been something people have talked about. Although player mods of the gametype do exist in TF2, the official game mode seems missing - or is it? Payload mode in Team Fortress 2 works essentially the same way, with one team trying to destroy the point and the other trying to defend it and is probably why the potentially problematic selection of a random, maybe underprepared public player with high likelihood of swift destruction, was omitted. Funnily enough however, unused screams that would have been attributed to the Civilian class can be found within TF2's game files, indicating a possible change of mind from the developers at the last minute or even scope for a later update, however unlikely the latter may be.
Over the years since the launch of Team Fortress 2, the amount of fundamental changes that have taken place are almost uncountable. Hats were a huge edition to the game bringing with it a collecting frenzy, as well as introducing Crafting, allowing players to turn their unused items into potentially rarer weapons and equipment. Crafting, a trend normally attributed to RPGs seemed very convoluted, especially to the novice TF2 player and was plainly ignored by many players. The most prominent of all the changes however, was the change from a paid to free-to-play title. The announcement made by Valve in mid-2011 made the game available to everyone with Steam, giving Premium accounts to players who already purchased the game before release or bought something in-game post-transition. Through the vast amount of title updates since the game's release you would hardly recognise it from the original chassis that was TF2 but alas, that's the glorious fate of modern day games.
It's hard to see where Team Fortress can evolve knowing what has come before it. There isn't a sniff of a sequel in the works and why should there be? The characters in Team Fortress 2 are some of the most recognisable in the entire videogame world, even with those unfamiliar to the game. The 'Meet The...' videos for each and every playable character in the game, bring an entirely different perspective of the characters in TF2, which only intensifies the humour and soul that every single character possesses without a single weak link. On top of this, the fandom around the franchise is nothing short of terrific thanks to the help of Garry's Mod, Source Filmmaker and of course YouTube.
Which begs the question: How can Valve top Team Fortress 2? There is no fathomable way that they can outdo what has already been. The characters alone are so iconic that ignoring them in a sequel would be unsatisfactory to the majority fanbase. Yet, bringing them forward into a new game could be considered lazy and uninspired if matched with low gameplay progression. Left 4 Dead had a relatively short lifespan before its sequel came onto the scene but even Louis, Bill, Francis and Zoe enlisted a similar shining to from the game's fans as in TF2. Left 4 Dead 2's characters? No such presence. Other than melee weapons and added special infected, L4D2 didn't bring an awful lot more to the table. This was further assured by bringing all previous maps and characters from the first game forward to Left 4 Dead 2.
A sequel is, however, inevitable; but I feel increasingly sorry to whoever will need to launch the game because it's going to be one hell of a job. One thing many need to understand is not to expect it anytime soon. Team Fortress 2 is still one of the most played games on Steam, with Valve making up to twelve times as much money now than when the game was a paid title and with weekly updates to the game, as minor as they may be, there seems no reason as yet to mutter sequel in near-future terms, especially before the release of Source Engine 2. Team Fortress Classic, remember, was a mod of Half Life. Can we expect to see the same timeline of releases when the Half Life 3-shaped silhouette finally comes forward out the shadows? It's unlikely, but we are talking about Valve here remember.
For a company that has an awful lot going for them at the moment, a sequel to Team Fortress will be low on the list of priorities. There's no reason Valve and the Team Fortress, err, team, need to reinvent an entire game that is still making them a huge amount of money. You could argue that Team Fortress 2 is actually future proof and doesn't need a sequel; it looks good, it plays great, it's on the most versatile platform available and has already dazzled in the face of innovation by becoming one of the first games to support Oculus Rift. You could also argue that eventually FIFA will be future-proof if not already, but that doesn't stop EA making new retail copies of the game every year, and it doesn't stop videogame punters keeping it at the No.1 spot in the charts for weeks, never dropping out of the top 20 until September rolls around again. It's a grim reality that within every industry including videogames, with a few exceptions of course, the heads are fuelled by the lust and desire for dosh. However great the cry for a sequel is, it'll be a matter of time and convenience to them as to when Team Fortress 3 and indeed Half-Life 3 does get released.
Don't get me wrong, Valve aren't a greedy company but fandom and YouTube supercuts don't pay the bills. Valve's generosity has got them to where they are today. Giveaways, AAA free-to-play games and purse-luring sales are a credit to that fact, but just because people want a sequel, doesn't mean Valve will whip up a microwave cupcake of a game to please them. Okay, Half Life 3 is a little overdue and I fear it has the potential to get overhyped as Duke Nukem Forever did but at least things aren't being rushed. No launch date? No problem. I could delve into many other examples but you would be here all week reading this. My point is, no matter how long it takes, patience is a virtue when it comes to where Valve go next with Team Fortress. All we can do is play the BETAs when they are out, give a little feedback where necessary, cross our extremities and quote the infamous RuPaul in saying: "And, don't fuck it up."
As it stands, Team Fortress 2 is a quality game with little room or need for improvement or advancement. I'm sure some may disagree but these issues would be minor and wouldn't represent the greater perspective - no game is perfect. We all love Team Fortress and are very thankful to Robin, John and Valve for bringing such a quality, joyous, celebration of a series to our eyes. Genuinely, I feel many wouldn't be too upset if Team Fortress 3 never saw the light of day but when it does, and I'm sure it will, it should be welcomed with open arms. I mean, surely it couldn't be as great as Team Fortress 2, could it?
Guest - 04:28pm, 20th November 2014
But TF3 would probably be something completely different, going in new directions and not trying to improve on TF2.
Guest - 09:02pm, 29th November 2014
Tf2 is already awesome so who needs tf3, but I would like Tf2 to add another class ilke Miss Pauling or another class.
Guest - 08:05pm, 4th December 2014
In all reality there isn't much more you can do with team fortress... unless you put it in a new engine i suppose. Because with gmod and plugins in general the possibilities are near endless
TGK - 01:31pm, 15th December 2014 Author
That's why it's so exciting! No game is perfect but they must be conjuring up some sort of TF3 game in Valve's HQ - even if it is simply just a set of ideas.
Geglyko - 02:30am, 9th December 2016
TF3 was announced
moy - 10:30am, 9th December 2016
Why do you say that? Is there any source? Or is it just a random statement?
TGK - 09:29pm, 13th December 2016 Author
I think the latter!
Guest - 07:57pm, 16th January 2015
why they don't just upgrade the old engine in TF2 to Source engine 2 ?? that will be great -_-
Unknow - 09:37pm, 20th April 2016
Well the first thing is it's really hard to port a game from source 1 to source 2, next thing that would happen the game will have tons of bugs
Guest - 11:16pm, 25th January 2015
What would be nice would be a graphics update.
Luke Brentnall-Compton - 04:54am, 17th June 2016
Why? That would ruin the iconic look of the game!
Guest - 11:19pm, 25th January 2015
Miss Pauling as the Civilian.
A guy - 04:29am, 20th February 2017
No, they said Miss Pauling would be too similar to the scout.
TGK - 06:58pm, 3rd February 2015 Author
What does Hunted entail?
Guest - 07:06pm, 3rd February 2015
Hunted has a third team, the Civilian; though it could potentially be done with a tenth class, and I've heard of mods that did it using the Engineer as the Civilian. The Civilian's goal is to make it from spawn to the escape point at the other end of the map. The Civilian carries an umbrella, and nothing else. The "bodyguard" team's goal is to defend the Civilian. The Bodyguards can be heavies, medics, and soldiers. The "assassin" team's goal is to kill the Civilian. The Assassins are all snipers. The Assassins have access to areas of the map that are difficult or impossible to reach for the Bodyguards. It was a brilliant map, but relied on having a competent player as the Civilian. If the Civilian isn't into it, or doesn't know what they're doing, the game is over pretty quick. Murderball proper requires FOUR teams. There is a big scoreboard thing in the middle of a 4-way-symmetrical map that displays which team (red, blue, yellow, green) has the ball. Points are scored based on how long you have the ball. (There's only one ball for all four teams, BTW) So you grab the ball and try to avoid all three other teams. Doing Murderball with 2 teams isn't the same; since it lacks the intensity you get when all of a sudden you go from being part of 3 teams hunting 1, to having 3/4 of the server trying to kill you.
Guest - 06:32am, 5th February 2015
@[640017198:James Bralant] they described it in the article
Guest - 06:34am, 5th February 2015
Oh how I long for the days of when TFC was popular. Best gaming days of my life.
Guest - 03:51am, 16th February 2015
Dispensing and erection!
Guest - 09:55am, 16th February 2015
ehh hello ? the SOURCE ENGINE ? it should upgraded to new source engine 2 like they did in Dota 2
Guest - 09:30pm, 22nd February 2015
A New tf game made with the new engine4 would be awesome
Ashlin - 11:51am, 25th April 2015
There is a new Team Fortress coming out they have already got a trial only 1000 people have been chosen to play it for now might be released sometime next year
TGK - 11:32am, 21st June 2015 Author
Who wants to be on that testing team?!
*raises hand so hard it punches through the ceiling*
Chooby - 08:31pm, 7th May 2015
I remember back in the Quake days there were wicked mods called Jailbreak and Headhunters, those game types would be awesome in a TF game. An additional thing: it would be nice if team members could share information with eachother other than chat, chat presets and voice. For example, if I want to communicate something like "A sentry should go here!" I don't want to spend 30 seconds typing descriptive text to explain it... I'd rather a ping show up on a mini-map for all to see or for the Engineer to see at least. The game works without a regular mini-map, I'm not suggesting we start putting in player pings and such like in Call of Duty games. But just want semi-permanent visual information to be shared amongst the team.
TGK - 11:31am, 21st June 2015 Author
Well, that kind of exists already!
Press, Z X or Y when playing and you get a list of commands - much like in Counter Strike. You can call for a medic to place a sentry with just two button presses.
Also, tapping E shouts for a medic (if you didn't know that one already).
Chooby - 01:11am, 4th January 2016
I meant that in addition to the voice and/or text message to the rest of the team, some visual indicator in the world is displayed, which of course would be optional for people who don't want the extra visual pollution. However it may help disciplined teams organize in real-time.
TGK - 08:20pm, 4th January 2016 Author
That's a decent idea, like a ghost of a sentry on seen by Engineers and those who have requested them.
Would work great if there was a mini-map too, but of course, that doesn't exist.
bob - 10:23am, 1st June 2015
There isn't a more sucessful gaming company than Valve. Private investors, Quality games, best software, great support, and Valve has collected one of the best community of players.
Valve is the only company that can make EA, Ubisoft & Activison jealous.
TGK - 11:29am, 21st June 2015 Author
You know it!
Hopefully they will continue to re-invent and innovate for years to come.
tt - 01:52pm, 2nd July 2015
bullshit , i could not even get a refund from shitty valve just because the time limit exeeded , as if that's normal , wtf ??? they should refund anytime and not put a fucking time limit
djd4ws0n - 10:27am, 3rd July 2015
The two-hour time limit? Or the 14 day time limit?
Guest - 05:06am, 14th June 2015
Maybe if they add like a dlc campaign, or something.
TGK - 11:28am, 21st June 2015 Author
That would be a massive change but I can see something like that being popular.
The Mann vs. Machines DLC went well, so why not some sort of story-based missions?
Bryce Cramer - 06:12am, 25th July 2015
I will ask for Team Fortress 3 when there's Half-life 3.
Rasher - 01:31pm, 25th July 2015
^ this
TGK - 09:55am, 10th August 2015 Author
We can live in hope! Maybe Valve are waiting to line them all up at once for maximum internet destruction!
gispobiyr - 07:07am, 10th August 2015
i think tf3 will not come out and its jut going to be tf2 ported over to source 2
TGK - 09:54am, 10th August 2015 Author
Maybe a renewed name? TF2: Remastered, perhaps?
Jonathan - 12:30am, 24th December 2015
They can easily make a Team Fortress 3. They should use all of the same characters - include 3-4 new classes (hell why not 6 more) - new graphics engine, way more than just hats to collect and tons of other items to make the gameplay different and more replayable than ever!
TGK - 01:09am, 24th December 2015 Author
Bring on Source Engine 3, bring on a theatre of new Valve games.
David - 01:55pm, 9th February 2016
I really hope that when or if TF3 arrives. They go back to origins of TFC with there new engine. Like a valve version of Fortress Forever. Check out FF if you haven't already. Not many play it lately but it's better than TF2 IMO.
TGK - 11:37am, 11th February 2016 Author
It's going to have to be a massive change from what's already available to make it appealing, or we could have a CS:GO / CS:S situation.
Josh - 05:39am, 24th March 2016
Tf3 should explore the tf universes 1850s when the Mann brothers hired the 1st set of mercs
idk - 01:25pm, 31st May 2016
Tf2 is very good tf3 if a girls?!
idk - 01:25pm, 31st May 2016
Tf2 is very good tf3 if a girls?!
cellion-teroken-1467915063 - 07:27pm, 7th July 2016
If i were to design tf3, i would make it an open world mmo with the same combat system as tf2, no lvs but instead higher intensity bots as opponents and to still have pvp if some players want to go at it. But of coarse the open mmo would need a story. Gray mann began to succeed in his robotic offence and now controls most of the world. That and the growing threat of merasmus the world is overrun with robots and zombies of fallen mercs. Rewards for whatever missions would be various weapons or weapon skins or cosmetics or just weapons and cosmetics travel between tf2 and tf3 unles it was decided to have all new characters luke anothee generation or something
TGK - 08:05pm, 1st August 2016 Author
Thought about this a lot have we? That's an incredibly vivid idea!
cellion-teroken-1467915063 - 09:11pm, 1st August 2016
Thanks, there is plenty they could do to make a still unique game, but within the tf2 boundries
Man - 12:08am, 3rd January 2017
TF3 could technically top TF2 by adding new gamemodes. Off the the top of head,I could already think of existing gamemodes that could blend in with TF2's chaotic personality. And probably tweak a few classes or so.
Red - 04:26am, 24th April 2017
I think tf3 is a possible idea saying how far we have come in society
Mirza - 01:53pm, 9th July 2017
Man, those old gaming experiences of L.I.F.E. I own like 7 of Valve's games like Team Fortress Classic, Ricochet, Half-Life 1, Half-Life 2, Deathmatch Classic, Counter-Strike and CS:GO. I greatly admire Valve's best technology topping up SINCE THE 1900s! I have seen Valve topping up their company into a demonic development team that will never stop one day! I wish they could make Half-Life 3 one day so I could play right at the hour.
Cee - 03:18pm, 15th November 2019
Five years later and still no word on the game. You were pretty accurate in your assumption that it would be a while, lol.