Top 5 Videogames That Help With Weight Loss
Some of us might struggle to build up our confidence to go to a gym to fight the flab. Now, however, we can enjoy it more by doing it all in the comfort of our own living rooms with these Top 5 videogames that help with weight loss.
Wii Fit Plus
With the Wii Fit Plus you get a Wii Balance Board that can help you learn about your body. This is by doing a simple body test to measure your center of balance, BMI (Body Mass Index), and body control. You can also try a little yoga or even enjoy activities like: jogging, cycling, snowball fight, kung fu and many more. I have enjoyed many activities and it has helped me lose a few pounds.
Just Dance games
(Wii, Wii U, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)
The Just Dance games are one of my favourite series. What's not to love about it - you get to dance along to your favorite songs and work out at the same time, it's all about moving about and Just Dance is the most active game you can think of to help you lose a few pounds.
Zumba Fitness
(Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
I have never tried Zumba before but I have heard many things about it. You dance and do aerobics at the same time, and this is sure to make you sweat so much to shed them pounds in just a matter of days.
Biggest Loser
Based on the TV show the Biggest Loser this is more than just an exercise game, It’s a complete personalised health and fitness program where you can choose from 4, 8 or 12 week sets and choose upper body, core, lower body, cardio and yoga routines to ensure a total body workout. You can even customize your diet based on your specific weight loss goals, and use the Wii Balance Board for squats, knee lifts, lunges and more.
Exerbeat Gym Class Workout
Exerbeat gets your heart pumping with over 150 activities, choose from dance, martial arts, body conditioning, and quirky mini-game type party games and more. Exerbeat also uses the Wii board letting you do many exercises like in Wii Fit.
Acelister - 09:49pm, 6th July 2016
Darn, now I need to get more Wii games...